dentist dr gomez

We have always gone to dr gomez ( dentist ) and he was located on juarez in the buildings to the right of the double railroad tracks. Friends were just down there and said he was not there. Does anyone perhaps know if he is still practicing in rp and just moved to another bulding or left rp...thanks!

El Gato

If it is Dr. Luis Gomez he is now located on Sinaola (sp?) just north of Fremont on east side of the street. It is a yellow building with a small dolphin fountain near a pharamacy. A friend recommended him and my DH and I went yesterday for our teeth cleaning. Everything was very clean and had modern teeth cleaning equipment. Paid $45 each which was to include a consulatation and x-rays if needed (they weren't - happy day, got an A). Judith was very good - first time I had someone put something on my lips to keep them from drying out while they worked. Had several people recommend him.


A friend had a wisdom tooth extraction from Luis Gomez yesterday. $40, including an x ray, he was very impressed, no pain no discomfort.