Dental costs in Mexico


How much are you guys being charged for a crown or root canal. Debating on waiting for my next trip down. My dentist wants 3K for a root canal.
How much are you guys being charged for a crown or root canal. Debating on waiting for my next trip down. My dentist wants 3K for a root canal.
About 4 years ago we were charged $280 for a new crown without a root canal, my wife's 20 year old crown broke.
We used the dentist just past Latitude 31 going to the fish market on the left side. My wife was ok with him.

Unfortunately it broke again 2 months ago, ($750 with good insurance here in Phx).
I am sure it probably has more to do with my wife than the work the RP dentist did.

I am sure others will chime in for other dentists that they have experience with and might be better.


My dentist is in Nogales mx I am getting my cleaning, exam and whitening for $185. My husband had caps a few years ago in PP for a 1/3 of what it would have been here.
My dentist is Dr. Topia in Nogales. Total dental bill was at least 50% of what it would have been in Tucson. Totally professional, and complete satisfaction.
Yes the dentists in Nogales are cheaper than Rocky Point from when I was researching costs. I paid around 300 for a crown (the best material with no metal) in Nogales at Arizona Dental Now, very clean and professional also. When I called around to PP to see if I should just get it done next time I was there I remember the quotes were a little more high but not by much. My step father overpaid for a filling in PP for sure compared to Nogy, I paid $40 per filling, I believe the dentist in PP (one off Revelucion) charged him $70. Never used the gas at any of them but if anyone ever gets a bone graft get more than the numbing shots for sure!!!


Yes the dentists in Nogales are cheaper than Rocky Point from when I was researching costs. I paid around 300 for a crown (the best material with no metal) in Nogales at Arizona Dental Now, very clean and professional also. When I called around to PP to see if I should just get it done next time I was there I remember the quotes were a little more high but not by much. My step father overpaid for a filling in PP for sure compared to Nogy, I paid $40 per filling, I believe the dentist in PP (one off Revelucion) charged him $70. Never used the gas at any of them but if anyone ever gets a bone graft get more than the numbing shots for sure!!!
Dr. Girjalva or Dr. Garcia in PP charge about $235.00 for a crown. Garcia. 011-52-638-388-0488. Girjalva 011-52-638-383-3434

Beach Sand

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Does anyone know if the crowns are made locally for same day like in Los Algodones? My Dentist in Ahwatukee was very impressed with the quality and craftsmanship I received. Los Algodones is the dental capital.


Los Algodones, absolutely. This is like a dental Baazar. There are people from all over usa and canada there for dental work. The hotels in Yuma along I-8
are chiefly there for dental or medical patients(medical in San Luis). Top notch and very good work. Go there for ADVANCED treatment. 3 implants,18 extractions, full uppers, implants on lowers. USA costs 32 to 36K. Mex $5600.00 2 trips. Lower implants are fusing into jawbone after 6-8 months. Will
be going for new lowers attached to implants in June. Another $300.00. Total savings $30,000.00


Similar process and savings in Algodones at Oasis Dental. Dentist Annakarena Torrez is great. Actually when the snowbirds head for home in April and May, it makes June a good time to go. Prices come down on dental work and eyewear.


A friend just got back from Los Algodones after having dental work done there. She was quoted $18,000 in the US for the necessary work. The diagnosis in Los Algodones was the same as in the US; 9 crowns, 1 root canal, 2 extractions, and 2 bridges were necessary. The price there was $2000 for everything. It took 4 days to complete and she was totally happy and impressed with everything.
The free market at it's best in Algodones!!!! I wonder what health insurance and health & dental services would cost in the U.S. If the health lobbby and government got the hell out of the way. One more important consideration: Some states have instituted laws that allow a patient to sue for gross negligence only. This reduces the multitudes of petty lawsuits that drives liability insurance rates to high levels and thus makes dental and medical rates ridiculously high. Of course, there are other factors involved but right now I can buy insurance for auto, homeowners, liability, life........from anywhere in the country but can only purchase health insurance from a very limited numbe of companies with Arizona policies. The result is reduced competition and rates that cost me more than any other single monthly expense I have and the coverage is lousy.