Crossing with generator multiple times


We have a generator permanently mounted in the back of our truck for our RV. Sometimes we come here with the RV, sometimes in just the truck (and sometimes by car). When we cross with the RV, nobody cares about the generator. The last time we came with the truck and no RV, one inspector said it was OK and another said we should pay. I have no problem paying to bring in the generator, but I would like to just do that one time.

Is there a way to get a receipt that stays with the generator so that we don't have to pay fines with future crossings and / or to prevent future import misunderstandings?


AKA Carnac
Yes, when you pay the duty, make sure the receipt has the model, make and serial number on it. I imported 8 whole house generators a few years ago and made sure to do it legally for any warranty work they may have needed in the U.S.
Yep...what Bill said...I used to do the same thing...and got zapped once...they told me then that if it was permanently attached to the rv, it would be ok, but since mine was a free standing generator, had to pay the tax.....I've carried the receipt with me all the time... still have it with my passport.


Sounds good. What do we need to show its current value? We paid about $1000 for it in 2006.
Mine was a few years old when they caught me...I told them it was worth about $125...they didn't question it.