Crossing 8/09/09


Went to check the mail in Lukeville yesterday. Arrived in Sonoita and noticed the almost eerie absence of police in the streets. None at the usual radar spot and even the guy that is always in the middle of the road at the stop sign was not present. Got to the line and there was an ICE guy standing outside right at the border line who greeted me and suggested line 1 or 2. 2 cars in front of me with ALL the stations open, including the X-ray set up to the right. Heard a siren approaching from Why while waiting in line. Looked like a unit pulled into the area where they pull you over for a close look. Passed through with no problems in 10 minutes or less, check the mail, bought some wine (5 Liters boxed Merlot $15 and pretty good stuff too) Now there are 3 guys standing in the entrance to Mexico lane on the US side, one displaying a shotgun, who motion me to stop and they inquire if I have guns, money or drugs and I reply in the negative (although I was coveting the .12 gauge). I ask is there something bad going on today and the answer was interrupted midsentece by another siren, now coming up from Sonoita. I got " yeah... ahh pull over to the side there right now." The ambulance drove up the inbound lane and was directed to the same area as the other ambulance. I wanted to inquire but was too far away. First I connected the absence of police in Sonoita and this event, but in retrospect I think they were bringing out an injured tourist. It was interesting though.