Crossing 4-19


Arrived at 4:20, line backed up to 150 yards before the "Good Vacation" sign. Crossed the border at 5:10. They had 4 lanes open!

Gave the agent my passport, my brothers BC and DL. Agent asked our names. And then he asked my name again, and if the passport I gave him was mine. I assured him it was, and he looked at me again...

The light went "On" upstairs. I had changed plans on which boat to take to RP. So, I had grabbed my passport and put it a clothes bag. When I changed boats, I grabbed a envelope which contained paperwork for a different boat and my wifes' passport...

I told the agent, uh, maybe its my wifes passport and he asked her name. Dang, it was :oops: . My Brother busted out laughing :lol: . Told him my passport was in the boat and he said, don't worry :) , checked my DL and said to scram. Told him the laugh was on me, and he laughed as well :lol: .

Great trip to Rocky Point! :boat: