People seem to be getting red lights crossing more often and there's a military check point 100 feet south that will sometimes
stop you for another inspection, it's random but biased towards cars with women in them. IMHO.
Keep any wallets, purses and valuables on your person.
Pet's need rabies papers
Drive less than 40kph (23-24mph), if you get pulled over ask to pay at the municipal court unless it's $20 then bribe away.
Stop sign's, stop and count to 3 and go. There's 3-4 Policia cars roaming around, they are really active on Sat and Sun.
After leaving Sonoyta drive 80KPH for the first few miles.
Coming back where the speed goes from 80-40kph at the small hill before the Red Cross/Old Person Donation
station make sure you're under 40KPM, they watch that hill mucho.
Going back to the US there's an X-Ray booth for you to drive thru, it's 50/50 if it's up and running on any given day.
US Border hours are different now, Mon-Sat 4AM to 8PM, Sun 6AM-8PM, Mexico it's still 6AM, ?? on if Mexico is allowing
car's in before 6AM.
Have fun.