

It's been a while since we've been down to RP, but I know I used to buy chicken at Leys and it was good. I've been reading this board a lot lately because we are finally going down and I remember reading some posts about how you should not buy chicken in the markets. Is that true? I'm talking about a whole chicken or some legs and thighs. Uncooked.


Bought uncooked chicken legs & thighs at Ley 2 weeks ago. They were inexpensive and very good. Most of their chicken is labeled steroid free, etc. so I would compare it to organic chicken without the high price tag.
i agree, ley, santa fe and bodega are all great for chicken. also, have gotten some filet roasts periodically at ley's and they are wonderful!
I have bought chicken at Las Palmas, Santa Fe and Super Ley. It tastes better than the chicken I buy in AZ. I looked at some at the Bodega last time it looked kind of yellowish so I didn't buy.
The butcher at Las Palmas speaks excellent english and is very helpful.