The concert with Mark Mulligan and Sam Rainwater in Litchfield Park (AZ) to raise money to help Ximena, the little Penasco deaf girl (plus 2 other worthwhile charities) is only 2 weeks away (Sept. 23). ALL proceeds go to the charities!
Those of you who have indicated that you're coming, please R.S.V.P. Michelle (Phone - 602-410-8402, email [email protected]) so that they have an idea of how much food, etc. to order.
There are still raffle tickets available (1 for $5, 3 for $10) prizes. Locally you can pick up tickets from Mark (Seadweller on here) or contact Michelle.

BTW....Mark Mulligan is scheduled to be on Russ and Rosie's radio program (Rocky Point Ramblings) on Saturday (Sept. 10...noon to 2pm) (106.1FM in Penasco or podcast
Those of you who have indicated that you're coming, please R.S.V.P. Michelle (Phone - 602-410-8402, email [email protected]) so that they have an idea of how much food, etc. to order.
There are still raffle tickets available (1 for $5, 3 for $10) prizes. Locally you can pick up tickets from Mark (Seadweller on here) or contact Michelle.

BTW....Mark Mulligan is scheduled to be on Russ and Rosie's radio program (Rocky Point Ramblings) on Saturday (Sept. 10...noon to 2pm) (106.1FM in Penasco or podcast