Better yet...does anyone have a copy of a CFE bill with translations in the different columns so we can understand what it says???
As you are looking at you CFE bill you will notice that basically it is divided in two vertical sections, I will start by the section in the left hand side:
1- "nombre y domicilio" = name and address
"Ruta" is basically like the area or zone of your house in reference to the meter reading area/zone
2-"medicion de consumo" = "meter reading"
a-"Num. de medidor" = "meter number" as you look at your actual meter at the point of entry you will find this number inside the glass at the bottom of the meter below the little 5 clocks
b-"lectura actual" = "current reading" shows the reading as it was taken by the meter reader.
c-"Mult." = "multiplier" usually it is a one, however that number can change depending of the usage, I believe.
d-"consumo kWh" = "usage in kWh"
3-"periodo de consumo" = "consumption period" the dates below show you the period with the start date and the end date
"dias" = "days" the number of days that that particular period had.
"promedio diario" ="daily average" as in kWh used per day
4- "historial de consumo" = "historical usage" will show you the monthly usage for the past 12 month.
5-"Apoyo gubernamental" payment that the government makes on your bill.
6-"aviso importante" = "Important messages from CFE"
below the message section in smaller letters you have :
"factura" = "invoice"
"Folio" = "file"
"No. aprobacion" = "acceptance number"
"Ano de aprobacio" = "accepted year"
"No. certificado" = "certificate number"
Now starting at the top but in the right hand side half:
1-"numero de servicio" = "service number" this is the number that you enter in the payment machine at the CFE office if you do not want to go to the window, the machine only takes pesos.
2-"total a pagar" = "total due"
3-"Fecha limite de pago" = "due date" this is the final date, if bill has not been paid the power will be disconnected at any time after this date. You can pay your bill at any bank during the 10 days prior to the final due date.
4-"uso"="user type" as in residential or commercial
"Tarifa" = "tariff", they have different cost for different usage type
"Hilos"="cabeling"? I believe this section discribes the type of connection you have to your point of entry as in single phase or triple phase, etc.
5-"facturacion" = ""invoice" break down of consumption this has 4 vertical section that when you read them you need to read each line across.
"concepto"="break downn tier of consumption" "Basico"="basic", "Intermedio"="medium" and I am sure they have a "alto"= "high" for those using lots of power
"kWh" shows how much usage you have for each tier.
"precio"="cost" each tier has it own price, so as you use more electricity it gets more expensive.
"subtotal"="subtotal", need no explanation.
6-"Estado de cuenta"="statement": here they break down your bill as in the cost, taxes, DAP and other surcharges as we have in the states.
Also as you go to the home page of the CFE website you can have it translate to english by clicking "english" in the top right corner.
hope this helps you!!