Buying Cymbalta in Rocky Point


My daughter was recently given a prescription for Cymbalta 30 mg to treat generalized anxiety disorder. So far, it seems to be working. The problem is the cost will be $200 per month! My health insurance does not provide coverage for prescription meds other than credit towards my 5K deductible. So, I'm wondering if it is available in RP, and what the cost is? Thank for your help! :smile:


Unless other meds have been tried with no avail, another option is to talk to the prescribing doc and ask for an alternative. There are several, very effective anti anxiety meds available at less cost. There is a tendency, especially if prescribed by a GP, to prescribe the last med recommended by the phamaceutical detail person, meaning the latest and usually the most expensive. All of the benzodiazepams are tried and true. Generalized anxiety is also very treatable, over a relatively short period, with a good behaviorally oriented therapist.

My experience has been that medicine, of any kind, is not less expensive in Penasco. Over the counter stuff is almost universally considerably more.


AZ Miguel, Thanks for the links to Los Algodones. I called Farmacia Tury and found that the $200 monthly cost dropped to $80! Huge savings!
Roberto, Thanks for the reply. We have a followup with the doc tomorrow and plan to discuss other meds. Also plan to begin therapy again asap. This is the second doc, and will be the third therapist. Hopefully we will find a solution this time as she is a little older and wanting this to be solved.


Landshark all and all if it's real bad it will be a game changer if it's borderline shes better off exercising/eating better....It can be a bitch to get off of.....they never tell you that because well they want you forever....


That's what I hear Jerry. I'm hoping that between the therapy, gym membership, and her back in school after several years off, things will get better so she can get off this crap. Thanks!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I take a prescription medication for my bladder and its only a $10 fill in America but it was like $35 or $40 when I tried to buy it in Mexico. Obviously if you dont have insurance or prescription medication insurance then paying for meds might be your only option. Obviously in America even if you had the money and no insurance you cant just go to CVS and tell them what you want. The nice thing about Mexico is that you can "prescribe" yourself medication at pretty much any farmacia in RP. I havent met one pharmacy that needed a prescription written by a DR. Buying drugs in Sonoyta is a bit more difficult because it is a border town. Last weekend I was down and I had already come down with a chest cold. Every time I get this kind of cold, mostly associated with my asthma my DR prescribes a ~~ Z PACK ~~ and boom within 4 or 5 days Im clear and back to normal. Because it was convenient and I was already in Mexico I bought a Z Pack from my Farmacia of choice for $20. The Z Pack in AZ with my insurance is only $6 but it was convenient and it did the job. One thing to note obviously, just because you can buy these "scripts" in Mexico doesnt mean it legal to bring them into the US. If it's not OTC it is illegal to bring into the US. The best way that I have found to "CARRY" narcotics or any other prescription medication through the border and not have to worry about being prosecuted is to simply "REFILL" the original script bottle with the new pills. That way you have a script bottle with your name on it prescribed by a DR in America. Im personally a big fan of the "socialized medicine" used in RP as it is very convenient for me to already know what I need and not have to make an appointment and pay a co-pay to see my DR so he can prescribe to me what he always prescribes and then have to go fill the script. Much easier to go to my BOO FARMACIA and walk in and pay a little extra for the convenience.
Except for some of the "popular" meds....and some of the antibiotics (penicilin, amoxicillin, augmentin, z-pak), it's very difficult to find the meds in Penasco, particularly the newere stuff...lots of luck getting any pain pills of any kind, even with a valid prescription.

I've gotten some antibiotics that I know my doc in the US would prescribe for the condition (had it before).....but it is generally more expensive, especially if you have insurance in the states.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Except for some of the "popular" meds....and some of the antibiotics (penicilin, amoxicillin, augmentin, z-pak), it's very difficult to find the meds in Penasco, particularly the newere stuff...lots of luck getting any pain pills of any kind, even with a valid prescription.

I've gotten some antibiotics that I know my doc in the US would prescribe for the condition (had it before).....but it is generally more expensive, especially if you have insurance in the states.
You're joking right? Ill take you to about 10 places that you can buy Vicoden, percocet, 5mg 10mg whatever you need. Those types of ~~~~````pastillas```~~~~ are usually kept in a shoe box in the back but they still have them and they are for sale. I do know about 5 or 6 years ago the ~~~~~````MexiCANT ````~~~~ government placed either a ban or starting enforcing current laws about prescription medication sales particularly narcotics in border towns or towns within so many miles of the US border. In TJ or NOGY you cant hardly get anything, even somas are hard to come by. Same with Sonoyta. Try finding even somas in Sonoyta. Im sure they are there and its possible but its a rat race. Maybe you look like the DEA Joe?
Mex Joe...I may look like DEA (I gotta leave that hat at home)...but maybe you look like a druggie??? I've asked at a couple pharmacies that I have used before....and they don't have the stuff....

If you're buying from a shoebox in the back of the store...are you sure you know what you're buying....oh have your "test kit" with you all the time.....:moon:

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Joe please dont insult my intelligence. BTW druggie????!!!!!! IM NOT THE ONE MAKING BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~``CULERO``~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mex're the one who started with the "look like" stuff....OK.... You seem to be able to give, but lack the ability to take!:moon:

Have a great New Year!


You girls need to lighten up. True they are requiring a prescription more and more. True if you know where to go you can buy almost anything.


no...that was Happy and Happy.....:moon:
Yeah a good multiple personality and throw Happy into it. I could see that. Lots of interconnected conflicts there.
Some fun Freudian stuff there too. RPJ the super ego, MPJ the ego and of course Happy the id. I always imagine the id as a piece of quivering liver.
away from the FUNNIES. I use for some of my meds and they are generally quite cheap. You do need an Rx to fax to theb before they will fill

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Mex're the one who started with the "look like" stuff....OK.... You seem to be able to give, but lack the ability to take!:moon:

Have a great New Year!
First of all, I wouldnt take offense if you said I looked like a DEA agent but saying I look like a druggie is problematic for me in that it is degrading! Im pretty sure telling someone they look like a DEA officer isnt degrading. Secondly, you're shaking your ass at me, who wouldnt object to that?! Lastly Joe, you make some pretty damn good brownies!!! Trust me I gulped them down, cause Im a DRUGGIE! Druggie or not they are some damn good brownies and I like the little touch, putting nuts in there. Who knew a stiff ass like you could make such good MJ brownies.... and the MJ doesnt stand for Mexico Joe....