Yikes, now we know...oh JWT is a tubby little realtor named Robin I hear...8 whole years of experience!!!, from it!,!,,
Yikes, now we know...oh JWT is a tubby little realtor named Robin I hear...8 whole years of experience!!!, from it!,!,,
I smell a royal rumble, some one on one and tag team action. LETS GET IT ON!!!!!
the boys from Sinaloa control AP and demand the best and freshest is sort of a cool town if you make it back across..No more lavada for me amigo, I did hang out in APson when I went to Cochise College, Man if I could get one of them girls on the Malquerida I might start up. So how did you get the intel on our snob from las conchas? I'll tell you our PPRES and insurance agents (ambulance chasers) here in beautiful Penasco sure run afoul. Here's a recipe for hangovers. Sure hope you know who don't see this.,
Great idea Rob, but no pictures, pleaseI always assumed I was a forum member and a poster, but maybe Im wrong and we all are bloggers?To many high tech names for me, I will remain a poster and on a hot summer day on the beach Im a poser in my thong and fishing pole in my hand.
I always assumed I was a forum member and a poster, but maybe Im wrong and we all are bloggers?To many high tech names for me, I will remain a poster and on a hot summer day on the beach Im a poser in my thong and fishing pole in my hand.
This site is Rocky Point Talk, and not Rocky Point Trash !
Welcome and greetings to all good spirited people who may be financially able and willing to move to Penasco, and become positive members of the community in the near future. You can get a lot of good and honest info about this community if you can "separate the wheat from the chafe" on this blog site. Most of the constant and prolific bloggers here would like to relocate from outlying rural México to the city of Rocky Point, or move from USA. They all seem resentful and hateful of others who already made the right decision. DUH. However, I'm certain they are well meaning people who will feel more secure and less spiteful when things improve for them. They can then be positive assets of a community.
Renting for 6 months at the start is likely a good idea. But, if you already have "street smarts" for Penasco , this is the buying season due to quite depressed prices. If you ask someone who actually knows, she/he can tell you about annual taxes, water costs, electrical costs, and many other things. Unfortunately, the bloggers here can't assist on anything except commercial tourist info, or bashing the city for excessive wind ( totally not true), it's destruction of the society and sea by building a cruise ship port ( not even close to true), etc, etc.
It seems envy breeds contempt in some levels of gringo society...unfortunate. We all hope they can grow out of it, and join the fortunate. They will then be welcome to contribute to a good society that is striving to improve.
I forgot about that pic. LOLYou mean Kenny's "Fish Scarin Outfit"?????????????
Oh Rob, my Man, that's the best yet. How much for two of them.Well Jack Im ready.
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Here is Kenny after a few bacon wrap dogs by the beach!!!You mean Kenny's "Fish Scarin Outfit"?????????????