I think this dance is about to end. From either Phoenix or Tucson, Penasco is about 160-170 miles away. That alone
being about a 2 hr drive. Adding 3 hrs plus the Sonoyta crawl is now a 5-6 hour drive. Now were looking at LA,San Diego travel time. In perspective, Albuquerque is 8 hrs from Phoenix ! Is it now going to be the same time as driving
to Yuma on I-8 and crossing at Algodones and taking the scenic Coastal Hwy to RP, bypassing this madness?
After 9/11 with increasing security lines and time before boarding a flight from Phoenix to LA was approaching
close to driving. For a family of 4, driving from Phoenix to Disneyland is a no brainer now. With the Peso devaluating
on a daily basis, how long before this Gringo Tax will continue to go on, my bet is next Memorial Day. The expense
and travel times will be considered the next time and not go into $1000 weekend because you have to stay another
day due to traffic. Boosterism is alive and well here enough, but be very careful, this could bite you in the ass.