Border Logic


As I approached the customs building I noticed the commercial lane was opened so I went thru it, handed my passport to the agent and immediately he went to the 2 cars behind me and make them go thru another lane, then he came back asked me where I was going and where I was coming from, then he proceeded to tell me that that lane was exclusively for pass-card holders and that it is open Sundays and Mondays only and that next time I used it I will be pulled to secondary inspection for not having a pass-card.
As far as I can remember from this morning trip the "Commercial and RV vehicles" signs was still up for that lane and I did notice the new electric signs on the roof above each booth, in this occasion, all signs above open lanes said "all traffic"
Can anybody explain the logic of their signage and what they verbally tell people!! or is it better to just ignore their stupid logic and play their games!!
Seriously, who knows why they do what they do a lot of times. The whole border crossing, both sides, has become such a pain in the a**. I know, I know...... for the most part, they are just doing their jobs. But is just sucks that honest people wanting to have a good time have to go through all of it. Good thing we love RP enough to just try and comply with everything, go with the flow and make everyone happy!!!!
What's the logic with the new lanes "only" for the passcards.....since the newer passports also have a rfid chip in them, and can be read by the scanner. I've been "told" by the agents that you can't go thru those lanes with a passport...but have read on the website (somewhere) that you can!


What's the logic with the new lanes "only" for the passcards.....since the newer passports also have a rfid chip in them, and can be read by the scanner. I've been "told" by the agents that you can't go thru those lanes with a passport...but have read on the website (somewhere) that you can!
Same logic as a carpool lane, when the traffic is at its worst, you can't use this lane. When there is no traffic, go ahead and use it.
I called down to CBP Lukeville...and they said that those new lanes (I call them the "express lanes") are not capable of reading the RFID chip in the passport (book) but can read the chip in the card.....go figure????? I know that you have to have the passport book open for the rfid to be readeable....


We came back on Sunday, and lane #1 (Passport Card Lane) was completely backed up, so we went to lane #5. I don't know what good it does to have the lane but because it doesn't have the signs obviously posted. I can't blame anyone for going into that lane because it moves quickly.