Border Crossing complaints

I know those of us who come down to Penasco on a regular basis have complaints about the wait times, the rudeness/idiocy of the occasional customs agent, the rudeness of the personnel on the US side checking when you are going down to Penasco (about $$ and weapons), etc.

This trip down, I've had internet service, so have been able to check the Border Wait Time web site....the one that is supposed to be updated on an hourly basis....well, it is never updated hourly....most of the time, it is at least 2 hours old, and frequently 3 or more hours. I've been hassled occasionally (and Kenny, I'm not talking about my diesel fuel episodes!!) for no reasons. We've seen the slowdown at the crossing, where the agents wait 5-10 minutes without calling forward the next vehicle.....while they chat with each other. BTW, at 9:22, they still had the 6am Wait Time report up!!!

Maybe if we complain, we'll get some improvement at Lukeville....maybe not...but it's worth a try.

Here are a couple of phone numbers for the Tucson office responsible for Lukeville.....

Agent in Charge:
David Higgerson

Brian Levin , OFO Office of Public Affairs Liaison

Address :
4740 N. Oracle Road
Room 310 Tucson , AZ 85705Fax : ( 520 ) 407 - 2350
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Terry C

I called the Lukeville office once and they said they report it but it's when the main office decides to post it. What ever that means......
Terry...I had spoken to the Public Affairs guy once, and it sounded like it was the responsibility of each border crossing to post....the usual run around????
Yeah....well, maybe they don't get a report from Lukeville hourly.....checked the web site at 10:30 before I shut down and pack up....still has the 6am wait time!!!!!

Terry C

The link from AZ511 filters out just that border and it does not match times with the main one most of the time.

If you keep the site up you need to F5 refresh the site, it does not update auto.

AZ Miguel

I've never had any problem crossing the boarder, I've made it across every time. Traveling in Europe was more of a challenge, and if I'd lost my passport over there it would not be as easy to cross from one country to another like it is here. I believe they are doing a fine job for the large responsibility they have of attempting to securing our borders with the lack of support and resources they receive. The self perceived inconvenience experienced by very few and their reaction is what usually causes the delays at the border crossings. If we would all band together and get everyone to promise to play by the rules, just maybe we could eliminate all the border crossings. :) But we still have some that take large sums of drug money, tax evasion cash, guns, stolen vehicles and much more south. Heading north others continue to bring drugs, banned foods, and persons entering illegally. This can go on forever but one fact is true that keeps the border crossing officials in business: trafficking of illegal contraband continues. If you want to be part of the solution then do what you know is required before crossing: Follow a checklist to ensure your not bringing anything across that is not supposed to cross. Be polite and answer the stupid questions as honestly as you can, they are meant to get you frustrated. If you get pulled into secondary inspection, do what they ask and follow the rules. Biggest item is to be polite and recognize them as public peace officers, your experience with them will be much shorter.


Even though I have complained here, I agree with AZ in general. I cross frequently and have some recognition among the troops, that helps. I smile, act a little stupid (not too hard) and I am very compliant. there are 2 or 3 ICE people who will joke with me, but nothing related to their duties or illegal activity. I like to ***** about the Post mistress Nazi, they all seem to agree with that. The big issue is the wait times and figuring out why it is so bad sometimes. It's too easy to say it's the staff deliberately holding things up. I do think if it was a priority they could and would cut down the wait times. Maybe increased complaints, without rancor, would have an effect. If you're gonna get in their face, don't bother, enforcement folk hate that. Now I'm waiting to see if my son got across without a passport !!! You'll hear some *****in if not !!!!!
Even though I have complained here, I agree with AZ in general. I cross frequently and have some recognition among the troops, that helps. I smile, act a little stupid (not too hard) and I am very compliant. there are 2 or 3 ICE people who will joke with me, but nothing related to their duties or illegal activity. I like to ***** about the Post mistress Nazi, they all seem to agree with that. The big issue is the wait times and figuring out why it is so bad sometimes. It's too easy to say it's the staff deliberately holding things up. I do think if it was a priority they could and would cut down the wait times. Maybe increased complaints, without rancor, would have an effect. If you're gonna get in their face, don't bother, enforcement folk hate that. Now I'm waiting to see if my son got across without a passport !!! You'll hear some *****in if not !!!!!
Roberto...I'm always courteous, friendly (as much as possible with the agents....try to avoid the secondary inspection due to delays...not that I have anything they'll find!!!

And on the Wait Time site....yeah...I hit the refresh key....still don't update regularly!!! It's 11;22....and still showing the 6am times....
Just spoke to Brian Levin in the Tucson office....and yes, the border crossings report the wait time to a central location, who inputs it on the web site.....still dependent on the border crossing reporting, which they have not. He said he would report the Lukeville lack of reporting to his director. We'll see if that does anything.....

Now today, I checked the Lukeville wait time, and they had the 2pm report up at 2pm.....when there is little need for reporting, since it was just a few minutes wait!!!!