border cam


border cam or not, we had to return yesterday, we arrived at the Circle K, at the intersection in Sonoita and the line was about 300 yards from it, I say at least a 6 hours wait, luckly with the wait was only about 20 minutes, and the kids I had were so ~~~HAPPY~~~ they just made it home in time for the 5 o'clock news.
Sorry cactus, I pluged in my business, but I mention ~~~HAPPY~~~ :eek3:
border cam or not, we had to return yesterday, we arrived at the Circle K, at the intersection in Sonoita and the line was about 300 yards from it, I say at least a 6 hours wait, luckly with the wait was only about 20 minutes, and the kids I had were so ~~~HAPPY~~~ they just made it home in time for the 5 o'clock news.
Sorry cactus, I pluged in my business, but I mention ~~~HAPPY~~~ :eek3:
Uh...there you go "plugging again Ink!!!" You'd think this was your personal advertising web site!! :stir::rofl: So what do you one of the local cops $20 to "escort" you to the head of the line?? :stir:


You almost got it, however I do not have to pay nobody, it is just that as a commercial vehicle I got certain preferences, but you need to know how to play your cards and so far I had a full house or should I say Van?
Don't you love plug ins? like NO wait at the border with, wait, wait cactus must be really upset by now!! :eek3:


Get a flat bed trailer, and you can "haul" someone past the long line!!!:stir:
I have an enclosed 5'x8' trailer, but then I will have to charge, what's the going rate? around $5k a head, maybe 15, hey this could be a lucrative biz!!! and no wait at the border!! :eek3: