La Huerita
Seriously, I'm not kidding. Those of you who are into boating will find this especially interesting.
It seems that a J/World yacht, the J/120, accidentally sailed into a pod of whales (possibly blues) during the beginning of the Baja Ha-Ha off the Pacific coast of Baja and one or more of the whales attacked the boat. The boat lost its rudder, began taking on water and the crew had to pile into their lifeboat to survive. All five of the crew survived (they were well trained and knew what to do, and the Coast Guard rescued them after about 4 hours) but the boat sank in 7 minutes or less. Amazing story, with details at Latitude 38 and J/World.
Absolutely beautiful boat, it's a shame that she sank. This is a WOW story!
It seems that a J/World yacht, the J/120, accidentally sailed into a pod of whales (possibly blues) during the beginning of the Baja Ha-Ha off the Pacific coast of Baja and one or more of the whales attacked the boat. The boat lost its rudder, began taking on water and the crew had to pile into their lifeboat to survive. All five of the crew survived (they were well trained and knew what to do, and the Coast Guard rescued them after about 4 hours) but the boat sank in 7 minutes or less. Amazing story, with details at Latitude 38 and J/World.
Absolutely beautiful boat, it's a shame that she sank. This is a WOW story!