Blacklisted Gas Stations

They steal from everyone, including the employees.
A family member worked at a Pemex in San Luis Río Colorado, he was desperate for work. They get paid $750 pesos a week!
He found out the pumps were "off" everyday.
At first he thought it was his math, so he was more careful, still he would be short 30 to 100 pesos!
So then he stopped going out to lunch, to watch if the other guys were messing with his pump.
They of course Have to pay the difference Themselves or it was deducted from their "joke of a paycheck" at the end of the week. Either way, they paid. All the employees were short at the end of the day. They never could figure out how or why. It wasn't just him.
Slowly, the guys who started working the same time as him, started to trickle out. He was the last one, until he found better employment.
So of course he was making way less than $750 pesos for a 6-day-work week, as he was having to return up to $200 pesos a week.

That's outright theft, and there's no one that will listen or do anything about it. That's how the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer in Mexico.
Steal from the employee and the customer.

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Lovin it in RP!
As most Mexico travelers know, one trick is to not clear out the total from the car before you. So they add a little to yours and, you pay for both. I haven't seen this in Rocky Point yet, but after a couple lessons at highway Pemexes, I still reflexively always glance over my shoulder to make sure the previous transaction is cleared.
Whenever I am on a highway tour trip, when i get gas, I get my note book out of my van. It has a calculator and all. I look very official writing down the litres used, the cost per litre and the total. In 32 years of "gassing up" I feel that I have never been ripped off. (I do this in the states too). I can then also calc my mpg my cost per gallon and everything at the pump. Travel smart my friends and enjoy the ride.


El Pirata
Translated from spanish.
Theft of gasoline continues in Mexico where else? ... and not in the pipeline. Gasoline steal you, me and everyone who is left ... you are stealing shamelessly with the approval of the entire governing body (Pemex, PROFECO, Finance, etc..) Or I'll be paranoid and only business of the Damned gasolineros ?How is this? Very simple .... when we always ask for gas money multiples as our pockets (50, 100,200) and those who do very well always say "fill".

Here's the trick, when the dispatcher " program "weights or only open the pump, sends a signal to the central computer station and this in turn orders the dispatch liter pump 900, 850 or 800 milliliters instead 1000, a liter through asoftware special, You get it?

This means that for every 100 pesos gasoline actually receive, but you will, 90 pesos. So as you have stolen follows in the last year if average charges 100 pesos per day . Simple: 3,000 to 4,000 pesos, multiply this by millions of cars, Is it good business?
How to avoid it: When loading gasoline, ask to upload multiples of 20 liters (20, 40,60 etc..) According to the capacity of your vehicle can be programmed pumps liters. Where's the catch? Very simple checkers PROFECO cuvettes are accurate 20 liter, when this happens, the software indicates a possible official review, and send commands to the 1000 ml pump containing a liter. What if you you complaining that you are stealing? Very simple in charge of the station takes its "bucket PROFECO" and tells the dispatcher that he put 20 liters in your presence and Orale! I enter 20 liters accurate, then you deny, you're faced idiot and convinced there if you get accurate liters. And this is a story without end. How did I know? No point in telling that part, just know that it's true and that we are and will continue stealing and stealing and stealing until we are elderly. I say: If we steal phone service, cellular, domestic gas etc ... well, at least detain gasoline theft. I already tried and checked, so I'll leave this for you to meditate. Check it out, draw your conclusions and try to protect us.



I have found the last few months that Pemex gasoline has been significantly more expensive then here in SE valley of Phoenix. Frys in Ahwatukee is $3.13 gallon right now.
I have found the last few months that Pemex gasoline has been significantly more expensive then here in SE valley of Phoenix. Frys in Ahwatukee is $3.13 gallon right now.
The Mexican Govt has removed most if not all of any subsidies from gas and diesel products over the last year.
Even propane is getting more expensive, which really hurts the poorest of people, since most people use it
to cook and heat.


A couple of weeks ago I filled up as usual at the Barclin gas station which is the last one before the Caborca Rd heading north to Sonoita from Penasco. I also had them fill a 20 liter gas can first to check for accuracy and it was right on the mark. Top marks for Barclin in my opinion.


If this from the post above is accurate they still could have shorted your fill up as you used a 20L test container!??! I guess you could put say 17 L as measured independently in the container and mark that spot then ask for 17L of gas for a test.

"Very simple checkers PROFECO cuvettes are accurate 20 liter, when this happens, the software indicates a possible official review, and send commands to the 1000 ml pump containing a liter. "


Sounds like they are on the mark then. Good to know. I am so annoyed at the Octamar on Fremont at Sinaloa where I have bought virtually all my gas here over 8 years and now to find out they were screwing me, at least recently. I don't go there anymore. I really believed the Taxi drivers would keep track of stuff like that as I'm pretty sure cost of gas comes out of their pocket, not paid by the company.


Nothing scientific, but I did get gas at the Las Conchas Pemex and all seemed honest last week. MPG was right on the mark and the gas can for my ATV's was right on the mark.


It did occur to me that they would be honest, at least right now but I'm aggravated at them for the theft. Plus I always tip the person doing the pumping. There is a Mexican saying that might apply here: "No hay camino mas seguro que, el que acaban de robar" "No road is as safe as the one just robbed"