I go out to Bird Island with my private boat every so often, and highly recommend it. It's about 20 miles out which is a short distance if the water's calm, a long distance if its rough. Its a real neat fun place, especially for kids, since there's a lot of sea lions hanging out on the island and playing in the water, and that's about all there is to see there. Every time I take people out there they love it! You're not allowed to set foot on the island since it's protected, and anyways, theres not much on the islands, just some ragged rock. I've seen videos on YouTube of people swimming with the sea lions there, I'm not brave enough for that. Personally I'd never let my kids swim with them just to be safe, but that's me. I've read you should never do this in spring since the bull sea lions are very protective of their calves. Am not sure who does tours out there now, you may want to check with the dive shop that's in the little shopping mall on the left just before you enter the Malecon, am sure they do it or would know. I find in Rocky Point it's not like the good times 10 years ago when there were multiple tour and fishing charters, now its very limited to find anyone to take you out.