I understand and respect your point on the keyword stuffing. I actually made the video as a memory for my friend when he feels better and heels up. The slide really is dangerous. Again, it is dangerous. Everyone on here has this crazy opinion that buyer beware, assume your risk, it your fault because you went down it, and the general philosophy that what ever happens in Mexico is unsanctioned from the general rules of safety. When people go down the slide, they didn't sign up for a slide of danger. You said it before, it is a children slide. It is a slide that should not be dangerous for children and adults to enjoy. They have had other injurie related to this slide with people young and old according to the staff at the condos. In the spirit of good for man kind, the should post weight limits on riders, enforce a child only rule and monitor and endorse general slide safety. That all I ask. No more.
My friend did not want a fat settlement. Just the good will of his medical bills paid. In the united states, anyone injured on your property, and if you have homeowners insurance, would be paid good will of actual medical bills. I am sure the condo has a similar policy, but they were unwilling to pay us the good will or offer any help what so ever. My friend was not drunk either, however it probably makes folks on here feel better about themselves on this forum to think he was. It's similar to the mindset of asking someone who has lung cancer if they smoked. Not everyone who gets lung cancer smoked. I suppose a common factor in injury is being drunk, but I assure you this wasn't the case.
So, maybe next time they will help the next injured victim of their condos because this has obviously not been good for the sky's perminant online record. This was not my intention, but it has ended up causing lots of drama at both camps. If the condo staff would have handled the issue with more finesse, our families would not have returned home upset with the lack of Care and respect.
I am a friend of rp. I don't want to see folks not come down to enjoy the fun that we all enjoy.
I think that we have worn out the thread and recomend that it is closed for any new posts. this way we can worry about more pleasurable topics.