Used to carry my homeowners and U.S. car insurance with a local high profile agent. I had a burglary claim, and was paid with a personal check, not a check issued by the underwriter. I was very suspicious about this. I wonder if I would ever had been paid if I didn't have a Mexican National taking care of my property at that time. I frequently received periodic mid-year renewal notices while my policy was still current. When I took these notices to his office, the secretary tore them up. I later found out that my U.S. auto insurance was not valid. A resident American friend had the same agent for his Mexican auto insurance. He was involved in an auto accident, only to be told that "Mexican insurance is only for Mexicans".
If you are a U.S. resident with periodic travel to Mexico, I recommend ADA VIS GLOBAL for auto insurance. They will write a policy on your driver's license for anything that you drive in Mexico for $83 per year, including "legal protection".You can pay them over the phone with a credit card, and they will send you your policy over the Internet as an e-mail attachment. They are located in Temecula, CA. Phone: 1-800-909-4457.
For local home insurance needs, and U.S. auto insurance for Mexico residents, I highly recommend Yolanda Silva at 638-383-6280. Her office is located on the street running south of Fremont Blvd. just east of Hacienda Las Fuentes.