Beached whale

Also, a VERY THIN juvenile. It's lungs would have been crushed under it's own weight.

Zopilotes, Coyotes and gusanos gotta eat too.



That's sad. Mexi you got my hopes up with the video than laid the bomb with the bad news.
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Did it wash up again or someone seen it floating. Second question how does someone take care of the body, tow it out to sea?
I was thinking the same. The Mex Navy could always tow it out forty or fifty miles and use it for a machine gun target. If it sinks out there the camarones would sure be happy for a couple of months. It didn't seem to have enough fat on it to interest the Great Whites out there.

More than likely it will be blown into Bahia San Jorge or the Salinas Point beaches where it will be a delicious windfall for hundreds of scavengers and finally end up as yard art on a beach front property.

It washed up semi close to where it beached the 1st time. You could tell it was hurt/sick because in the video of it going out into the water
it's breathing looked labored and it looked lethargic. But being beached for hours, that didn't help at all. Sad, but nature doing it's business.
I didn't know some whales stay here when the water get's really warm, Thx Russ.
On FB people are posting the whale that died was a different one than the one rescued, Who knows?