There is a fresh surge of rumors about changes in responsibilities of Trust Holders with the US authorities. Like everyone has to report and there is a $10,000 fine, finger nails pulled out, etc. There was a link to a US Govt. site, posted here that , it seemed to me, clearly stated that the reporting responsibility of a US citizen holder of a Mex Bank Trust on property in Mexico for exclusive owner use, did not have reporting responsibilities, perhaps unless the property was used for income.
There have been recent changes in the process to acquire a Bank Trust and the dust has not settled on that issue yet.
Anyone have good hard information with supporting documentation, not rumor or heresay, about this issue? This issue has nothing directly to do with the possibility of doing away with Bank Trusts in Mexico.
There have been recent changes in the process to acquire a Bank Trust and the dust has not settled on that issue yet.
Anyone have good hard information with supporting documentation, not rumor or heresay, about this issue? This issue has nothing directly to do with the possibility of doing away with Bank Trusts in Mexico.