Bad time on Sandy Beach


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I can't ban him. When Tyler updated the forum, the banning powers went away. I have asked him about it today.....All we need is Happy and Hooch. OMG!


I can't ban him. When Tyler updated the forum, the banning powers went away. I have asked him about it today.....All we need is Happy and Hooch. OMG!
Stuart and Tyler can though, right? I've seriously had enough of Hooch and his BS. If it was in Rants and Raves then it's my choice to go in there or not. But if it's out in the open forum that's different. He adds nothing of value here. We've been ~~~~Happy~~~~ free for a while now and things seem to have gotten better. Not sure if I can stand the forum anymore with the Grand Wizard Hooch and his white sheet and hood hanging around here. He's been given warning after warning. Why should he stop if there's no consequences?


The best thing to do is to ignore him completely. People like that thrive on the attention. Make him invisible and he'll go away.


Oh come on the swissmiss lady follows me around so she can throw her liberal vomit in my posts anytime she gets the chance along with the old jeep lady and my posts get deleted wtf? So rocky point reminds me of a garbage dump big deal that's my opinion


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
So rocky point reminds me of a garbage dump big deal that's my opinion
It is your opinion and you are entitled to it. It is not, however, the prevailing opinion of those that frequent this forum. So, I'd simply ask you to understand that, like you, others have their opinions, too, and not to rub your opinion in their face in the General forums. You are welcome to go to Rants and Raves and express ANY opinion and debate the merits of said opinions until the cows come home. Thanks!