Bad problem with a crummy subject - cesspool.


Ok, I have to ask...sorry. Has anyone in Encanto ever had to have their cesspool pumped empty? I have been having a problem with 1 bathroom toilet for a few months. Over the summer, I replaced the old, improperly installed toilet with a brand new, dual flush water saving unit and thought maybe my problem would not re-appear. But yesterday it backed up again. The other bathroom toilet has no issues, nor does any other drains in the house. I do see two clean-outs on the side of the house, so I'm thinking maybe one of them needs attention? I'm not too familiar with these things, as I always had sewer system in any property I have owned. Does anyone know of someone I can have come here to access the situation or pump it out. I don't recall ever seeing a "pump service" truck in Encanto before so I'm not sure if this is something that needs or can be done. Any suggestions my friends?


hydro jetting is needed to maintain your field.....sounds more like a line issue...have you snaked it?


I haven't snaked it, no. I guess I'll have to find one to try it. It has been an intermittent problem. Two or three stays here, no backups, then it happens. More so when other people here with us then just the wife and I, but we both have used it regularly also along with the shower which empties into the toilet line. Our master bathroom is the one that is fine.


AKA Carnac
if the master bath is ok, its probably a line problem, that usually happens as you say when there are guests, if the septic tank is a factory manufactured unit, where the lines from the house empty into the tank there is a baffle, the solids, liquids and toilet paper come out the end of the pipe and hit the tank where the baffle is, if the plumber has the the pipe set to close to the baffle, (which happens alot) and somebody flushes a big wad of paper along with everything else, it hits the baffle and plugs the line. Another problem could be, when PVC pipe is cut there are burrs inside and outside of the pipe, if the plumber didnt sand those down or cut them off, small pieces of toilet paper start to hang up on the burrs and begin to plug the pipe. If the master bath is ok it could possibly dump into the septic tank at a different point from the rest of the house, so the septic should be ok. Septics are meant to work mostly full.


Well, I just tried flushing it now after it just sat there unused since it backed up and the plunger was not successful yesterday about 5PM and it flushed just fine, right down. This has been the usual pattern.


AKA Carnac
If its plugged with paper and solids it will leak off over time, its when there are several people using it that can create the problem. When i was building houses in Maricopa and Penasco they all had septics and these problems pooped up, I mean popped up.


If its plugged with paper and solids it will leak off over time, its when there are several people using it that can create the problem. When i was building houses in Maricopa and Penasco they all had septics and these problems pooped up, I mean popped up.
I'm sure you are correct. So, what can I do about it? What do you suggest?


AKA Carnac
It also could need pumping, it could be full of solids and not functioning like it should....If the master bath is ok though the septic should be Ok, I would snake the line and pull the lid off the septic and at least inspect it. This may sound like a stupid question, if your house is on the beach, have you ever noticed how the tide was or were when this backed up? As the water level in the sand or soil under your house is also saturated to the level of the tide. My point is does it happen at high tide?


AKA Carnac
It also could need pumping, it could be full of solids and not functioning like it should....If the master bath is ok though the septic should be Ok, I would snake the line and pull the lid off the septic and at least inspect it. This may sound like a stupid question, if your house is on the beach, have you ever noticed how the tide was or were when this backed up? As the water level in the sand or soil under your house is also saturated to the level of the tide. My point is does it happen at high tide?
With the extra guests it could be all the extra water in the system.


It also could need pumping, it could be full of solids and not functioning like it should....If the master bath is ok though the septic should be Ok, I would snake the line and pull the lid off the septic and at least inspect it. This may sound like a stupid question, if your house is on the beach, have you ever noticed how the tide was or were when this backed up? As the water level in the sand or soil under your house is also saturated to the level of the tide. My point is does it happen at high tide?
Not a stupid question at all, as I was thinking that also. I am beachfront. I don't recall the tide level the previous times, but yesterday it happened pretty much at low tide.

I don't see any covers, just a couple of black pipe cleanouts at the side of the house in the concrete walkway. I have a feeling it isn't any sophisticated system, just a concrete block cesspool.

Terry C

If it is a house that Jim Perry built, it isn't much of a system. He built several houses on the beach and I think yours is one like ours is. Built in the late 80's I think.


If it is a house that Jim Perry built, it isn't much of a system. He built several houses on the beach and I think yours is one like ours is. Built in the late 80's I think.
1979. But the MB and garage were built more recently.


Since it's only one terlit, can it be sucking air on a improper fit with the wax ring?
We ( actually Ismeal Murrieta) just re-did the whole install with a new bowl. You wouldn't believe it, the old one didn't have a wax ring. it didn't even have bolts in the floor. Some idiot used drywall screws and silicone caulk to install it. WTH?


We ( actually Ismeal Murrieta) just re-did the whole install with a new bowl. You wouldn't believe it, the old one didn't have a wax ring. it didn't even have bolts in the floor. Some idiot used drywall screws and silicone caulk to install it. WTH?
hey back then it was a long hot ride to town....customer starts yelling"my whole family is flying in from blah blah and you promised " so it gets halfassed


Pepe Gamboa would be able to help you with this. He and his brothers are normally in Encanto. He has done several projects for us and we have always been happy with his work. If it's something he can't do, he will know who to call. He and his family have been in RP forever and know how to get a job done.