Hi everybody! I have an artist friend who has created magnificent fish paintings, of the fish we catch in the Sea of Cortez. Thought I would post up some pics of her paintings to share with you guys. She takes a fresh caught fish, washes him off, puts paint on him and takes an imprint of the fish with fabric. Hangs the fabric to dry and then cuts out the fish and secures the fish print to canvas. Then adds a bit more color and magic and the result is an incredible painting - with a very authentic replication of the fish! Her name is Beth and she lives full time in Punto Chivato so she is securing the same fish we get up here. Beth visited me recently and left 10 paintings that were supposed to be on display at the Penasco Fishing Tournament - since it was cancelled, none of you got to see them. So here are some pictures of the paintings - they don't do the actual painting justice as the glimmer and shimmer that she puts on the fish is hard to reproduce with my camera. I have all these paintings at my house in Cholla Bay - so if you want to see them live, just holler! Happy to share them with you. They are all available for purchase. The Baquetas and Yellowtails are large - 30'x48", check out the last picture of her standing with all the paintings for size reference. I included some close ups so you can see some of the detail she adds!