August Closings - - -


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Use this thread to list any of the businesses you know will be closed during August. I've come down nearly every year in August and it can be pure miserable, hot, humid yuck. Many places simply close and the employees take vacation during that time.

La Curva - El Jeffe told me Sat. night that they are closing July 22 and will not re-open until Labor Day.

Anybody else?


Lovin it in RP!
JJ's is open mostly.....but closed on Tuesday and Wednesday until September
I think that Wrecked is closed on Tuesday only but I will check.
I know BooBar posted its new mid-week hours until they close for a month but can't find them on its Facebook page. Can anyone remember what they said? Coming down tomorrow and was wondering if they'd be open Wed/Thurs. Thanks!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I think they are closed this week as Jose went to Bahia De Los Angeles in BC for the week.... RPJoe will know.
The last info I saw from Jose was that he was closing on Tues. 7/24 and would reopen 8/24 (Fri.) He has been closed lately on Tues. and Wed.


Pane Y Vino closing August 5 through the 29th. BTW the new location at Bella Sirena has NOT opened. Luca is waiting for them to build the building.