Aqui Es Con Flavio

Spoke to Marty, the "last" owner of Margaritavilla the last trip down....and he had indicated about 2 years ago that he had won the court case...and he's still going thru yet another appeal!
I think he had been thru several courts and appeals for a couple of years before that!!! Always won...but the other guy kept going to another court or jurisdiction...sounded like "court shopping"!!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Yall are terrorists! Hijacking threads. For everyone that has commented on Flavios and have said "great view", you kidding me?! Of course there is a view its right on the ocean! There's about 10 more restaurants in the Malecon that have the "same view", doesnt make Flavios more appealing. I could be eating out of an out house right on the water and it would have a good view! Foods still SHITTTTTTTY though!
I haven't been in there in a while, but the downstairs men's room at El Perico Marinero on the Malecon has (had) the best view of any restroom in Penasco by far! (When you're standing up, that is.) Nothing like looking out that open-air window, hanging out in the breeze--literally!--especially after a few to-go Margs while shopping for souvenirs around the fish market.


I like their #58. The MP Lawer. Its a chili filled with shrimp, wrapped in bacon, and covered in queso. Its good. Also their whole fried fish is pretty good. I havent been there in years though because i would rather spend my money at better places to eat.

To each their own. Some people on here like Latitude 31, The Light House, and El Capitan. I have been to all three and didnt think any of them were worth eating at again.