Anyone ever asked for dog paperwork in/out of Mexico? Ever?

Anyone ever asked for dog's paperwork in/out of Mexico? Ever?

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I took the dog last year, brought proof of rabies and health cert from vet just incase, but was never asked for anything. FYI, we cross at Lukeville and stay in a condo in Los Palomas.

I would like to take her in June again, but just found out she is supposed to have distemper vacination atleast 15 days before trip also (along with hepatitis and a bunch of other things?), well we dont have 15 days left (she is old and is only required to be vac'd for rabies in the US at this point, doesnt actually need more vac's anyway, she had been vaccinated her whole life and is as protected as shes ever gonna get ;). Anyway, I dont know if the distemper requirement is new or if i somehow missed that one last year.

I was planning on getting her a health cert a couple days before the trip, but since i dont have the technically required vac's anyway, I dont really want to spend $93 for the apt to get the health cert either. Especially when I have never never heard of anyone being asked to show this paperwork. I will bring her rabies proof either way.

So just wanted to ask everyone, has anyone ever been asked to provide dog papers in or out of Mexico? If so, did you have paperwork and what did they want to see?

These are the rules i find online everywhere this year, the last one ive never even heard of before...

For crossing over the border to Mexico with your pet dogs, you will need two documents throughout your journey:

*An International Certificate of Good Health (Form 77-043) issued by a licensed vet who has examined your pet within 10 days of transport,

*Proof of vaccination against rabies and distemper, administered at least 15 days (but not exceeding 12 months) before your pet enters Mexico.

*You are also required to bring proof of pet ownership, and evidence that your dog has been vaccinated for Hepatitis, PIP and Leptospirosis within the last calendar year.

Thanks so much in advance for any info.

Looking forward to RP,


We have been taking our dogs to Rocky Point for more that 40 years and the only time we were asked for the dogs papers is when my wife asked the boarder agent if he wanted to see them. We showed him the rabies papers and he said okay to go with no problems. Now if you had a pig with a fever and flu like symptoms that might be a different story!


I take my animals across all the time and I have never had a problem or been asked to show papers. I carry the "vaccination book" from my vet but not the health certificate just in case.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
I was only asked the ONE time I didn't have her rabies certificate with me. This was like 1982 and the agent was a p$%#k! He took me inside and lectured me for a half hour. This was in June and where was my dog? Right, in the hot van! He knew she was out there, too. I was almost in tears and he said if I didn't mail them the certificate as soon as I got home, they would send animal control to pick her up for a month quarantine! It was awful! I know now that I had a cruel, sick agent that was bored and took great delight in traumatizing a 24 year old that was traveling alone but I never forgot the certificates again, for all the dogs I have subsequently had. A%%$&#e!!!!!!


El Pirata
Wow I remember those days real nice guys, they would always make us exit the car, put the dog in and they would say What you find boy.
good boy good boy. Ok who's is it? Dam dog had our carne seca

I have never been asked for the dogs ID but I know they look for the dog
Over the past 10 years I have never been asked. I have bullmastiffs and the border agents in both directions usually are more interested in my dogs than my passport or identifications.


Over the past 10 years I have never been asked. I have bullmastiffs and the border agents in both directions usually are more interested in my dogs than my passport or identifications.

Thats a great breed. I had them for about 15 years. Had a bitch on the show circuit for 3 years.


We came back from RP 5-24, and like in the past never asked then or in the past. We also had a pup with us which was too young for rabies vaccine.


Anyone ever asked for dog paperwork in/out of Mexico Ever

Not much to say, but just giving a new board a chance. For the last few weeks anyone thinking of posting here has seen ELVs and hwntw, which might explain why its not that active?


I never get checked for my papers (neither do my dogs) unless we act up.

hwntw: wiki says.....A person from South Wales

Acronym Definition
ELVS E-Learning in the Voluntary Sector
ELVS End of Life Vehicles Solutions (automotive industry partnership)
ELVS Electro-Magnetic Log Voltage Simulator


Hwntw Mawr, was publicly hanged!

I never get checked for my papers (neither do my dogs) unless we act up.

hwntw: wiki says.....A person from South Wales

Acronym Definition
ELVS E-Learning in the Voluntary Sector
ELVS End of Life Vehicles Solutions (automotive industry partnership)
ELVS Electro-Magnetic Log Voltage Simulator

In 1814 its most infamous inhabitant, yr Hwntw Mawr, was publicly hanged in Dolgellau for the murder of a local maid.;lID=1


I know in the way in there was no ELVIS? but for sure there was a lady, that for some reason, mummble hwntw!! i was perplexed at first, could not make what she was saying, then she went again hwntw!! for the life of me I could not undestand, then she went again hwntw!! I turned around and look but coould not see anything that will make a reference or sound like hwntw!!
Then I realised and figured that what she wanted......

anyway , no, I have never been asked about the cat papers, but I bring the vaccination records just in case, like some one said "don't worry be ~~~HAPPY~~~"


I've never had to produce more than a rabies cert when I've had my dog and last Sept they didn't even ask for that. You could always buy the parvo/distemper at a tack shop and give it yourself.


Anyone ever asked for dog paperwork in/out of Mexico Ever

As much as the IRB is still an old boys club, this will never happen but I would love to see Italy get the 2015 RWC and Japan the 2019.
Due to an inspection today we had to take the cat into the office while they did there thing. Even then they did not say anything about him.


Have been asked once on the Mexico side (like all the dogs in Mexico have their shots)! and once on the US side, but they didn't want to look at the papers, just asked if I had them. I always carry the shot record and their rabies shot certification, just in case. We travelled to Canada this summer and weren't asked for them there either.