Fished Sunday and Monday. Water was great Sunday, a little iffy Monday with some large rollers (4-5 ft.) out in the middle. No wind to speak of and no white caps, just residual rolling waves out of the northwest. We cruised at 32 mph going out and 42+ coming back in.
Lots of bait around - we were able to make both macks and sardines. Just a mile off the point by the harbor and out at our favorite bait reefs. We also caught (more than I even knew existed) bonefish and threw them in the bait tank.
We got out to our mark in deep water about 11:30. 1st drop and Audi caught about a 35 lb. pinto. Followed by Dennis with a halibut. Followed by a small black seabass (70 lbs). Immediate action on the drop. We set up a drift pattern and every time we'd run past the mark and drift over it, we got slammed. Nice slow drifts.
Reuben hooked up on something big on a live bonefish. 20 minutes and lots of sweat and grunting later, we pulled a 200+ lb. black seabass on board. It was too big for the fishbox, so we strung it off the back of the boat on a dock line and floated it behind us as we fished.
Finally, my turn. I thought I was hung up on bottom. But, the bottom suddenly started pulling drag. Uh-oh, this is a biggie! Again, another 20 minutes and a monster black seabass pops up about 100 yds. off the port side. Now, it's just cranking dead weight and my arms are near dead from the fight. I still find it amazing that anyone can actually catch one of these 200+ lb. beasts on rod and reel. It's like being hooked up to a locomotive. At times, all you can do is hang on and that takes every ounce of strength. Working them up from 300 ft. requires everything in you.
This one is bigger than the first. Now, picture *two* monster fish tied up and being dragged behind the boat. We continued the same drift pattern and boated more nice fish. 6 huge halibut and a 12 or so big red snappers. We also had, amazingly enough, schools of dorado cruise by the boat. Dennis caught one on a Kastmmaster and light spinning outfit. He lost a second, larger dorado (about 20 lbs.) when it jumped, twisted, and completely straightened out the hook.
About 3:00, the bite slowed and we needed to head in. We dragged the two monsters up on deck, covered them with towels and wetted them down for the ride home. It looked like I had two bodies laying on the deck.
Monday, we did the same thing all over again, trying some other marks I have. No big blacks this time, but we picked up two very nice 22 lb.white seabass instead. And more halibut and snappers. Also got several whopper-sized gold spotted bass. If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it -- whitefish (rabbitfish) getting hooked up on live bonefish. I didn't think they could get their mouths open that wide to take down a whole bonefish, but they did. Last drop of the day resulted in a cut off for two out of three of us within a second or two of each other. Had to be a shark. But, it's the one that got away.
We've got pictures scattered around on three cameras. I'll try to post some after I get them collected. Definitely one of those epic trips!