Drove up to Sonoita and Lukeville got hassled by a Federale who stopped me to be sure I was OK. Crossed the border, on foot. Got hassled by the poor lady begging with the walker, was forced to show my passport to the ICE folk inside. Had a dirty look from the clerk at the store when I swiped a bag for my mail. Got hassled by the Postmistress Nazi for having too much mail in the box. She sent back a package from my brother for the third time. Picked up two liters at WETA, got hassled by the clerk to buy a third to get a 10% discount. Strolled back across and punched the pedestrian button, got the red light, walked out to the inspectors who carefully examined every bottle and inquired as to the cost of Glenlivit 18 year old. Got hassled by the begger again. Had to risk stopping along the highway to pee on the return. Was frightened by seeing TWO Federales patrolling but not stopped. One guy waved at me. Hit a bad pothole on Fremont. All in all you can see it was a very stressful trip. No wonder people are cancelling their trips down.