Aerospace jobs coming to Penasco


i can't see how you could live in Penasco on 5K a year...Caborca maybe..

Or it shows why some Mexicans look at Americas ventures into Mexico are nothing more than a imperialist move, while looking for cheap labor.


Might be the chance to spring into ACTION !!! You said you wanted a facilty down here, time to go for it.

Son Travis EE consultant to Mitsubishi might get some work out of this !! Wow, in Penasco. Good news, some decent jobs and I bet there will be spin off business as well. Maybe a supplier or two will follow along.
Now where did I put those 12 flat bed air ride semi trailers with tractors to move the 20 machines and all this damn equipment south.. After reading this article half my employees here are ready to get the FM3 started to go to work down south.

On the other side I have heard a few things about it. Like where the plane is coming from. and a few of our suppliers are already in works to put in sales facilities out by the new airport.

Roberto's house is looking more attractive every day.


On the other side those who live in Playa Encanto may want to look at re-locating before these jets start doing training and fly overs...:whine:


rob as we say in Tucson between fixing broken windows "that's the sound of money"
On the other side those who live in Playa Encanto may want to look at re-locating before these jets start doing training and fly overs...:whine: