aacorp-animal center- helping pre school nuevo creation


The pre school Nuevo Creation is a new building with 2 classrooms and an office/library. The Principal allowed the city to use the school to conduct free spay clinics for the poor when they were having adifficult time finding a location. I decided to help these little ones out. I am in Phx getting dog and cat food but also picked up 2 air conditioners for the class rooms at big lots , tons of school supplies at the dollar stores and target etc. I also visited with Scholastic book fairs in Tempe and spent $415 (after a generous discount) for books in Spanish for the children. This should help these little ones - the books are wonderful. i used my own money for the school as we have not received donations for this purpose yet !!! :eek:) A total of about $900 - please help if you can.
The building is new but the grounds are bare !!! The city is donating some trees and we need to build a playset for the kids. Bob Abens (Maggies hubby in Las Conchas) has built many dog houses for us here at the center. he has offered to build something for the school - swings etc. We need volunteers to build and supplies - paint - wood etc. If you would like to help with money, supplies or volunteer to help Bob build please contact Nancy at 383 1012 or 602 412 3932 (Vonage)
Scholastic will be having a wharehouse sale in December so hopefully we can get more books for the kids. I have several hundred books in my car along with the A/c's, school supplies and of course dog and cat food, cat litter and canned cat food - Oh and dry Kitten food - we have lots of kittens at the moment. !!!!My daugher worked at Scholastic for 13 years and my grandchildren are avid readers !!!
You can drop off donations here in Phx or at the center in Rocky Point on Leon de la Barra -also known as calle 15 #138. We are three blocks east of Blv Juarez and 2 blocks north of calle 13. There is a sign on Juarez


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Hey Mark,
I think we need to take a little ride sometime this weekend. We got some new great people to meet!

I am sooooooo glad we have this new sub forum!!!!!! I think more great things are going to happen!
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Who actually owns the school? Some of those are authorized by the State of Sonora but are a profit making venture. Remember the horror of the ABC pre school in Hermosillo last year. That was a for profit outfit. Is this school free to the children?


This is a city school - not for profit. It is in one of the poorest barrios in the city. These are little 4-5 year olds from the barrios. This school does not get any private funding. The only group that I know of that is helping these schools is Mark and Barbara who do great things with the kids. This is a one time thing for me as I have a non profit AZ 501(c) 3 corp for the rescue of the animals so all donations to AACORP are a tax deduction. If I can help one school personally then that is OK with me. if each of us did this and helped Mark and Barbara we could help a lot more.
i will get together with Mark and Barbara and get my connection with Scholastic Book in December so they can get some books in Spanish for other schools.


Mark !!!!!

Hey Mark,
I think we need to take a little ride sometime this weekend. We got some new great people to meet!

I am sooooooo glad we have this new sub forum!!!!!! I think more great things are going to happen!

Mark - I will be coming back to RP tomorrow - late. Maybe you can get some help to work with Bob on the playground sets !!! And hopefully we can get some $ to get you some books in Spanish for your schools. All the school supplies up here are truly a dollar and I did get a ton of supplies for this school. I will email you in a few days.
I have a little free time since I am out of town so i can get on the web :eek:) It is nice to get away for a few days - I needed the rest if one can call this a rest - shopping for 2 days !!!!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Could you use 20 lbs of cat litter? I've had it in my shed and will never use it. My remaining cat is an indoor-outdoor cat......
Mark - I will be coming back to RP tomorrow - late. Maybe you can get some help to work with Bob on the playground sets !!! And hopefully we can get some $ to get you some books in Spanish for your schools. All the school supplies up here are truly a dollar and I did get a ton of supplies for this school. I will email you in a few days.
I have a little free time since I am out of town so i can get on the web :eek:) It is nice to get away for a few days - I needed the rest if one can call this a rest - shopping for 2 days !!!!
Hi Nancy... I was going to ask when you would be back... Kathy, Barb and I can stop by to sea you... that's cool about the books, we were just talking about the 9 boxes of books we have up there waiting to come down... they will be added to the library at the school we visited this morning... (see photos in Adopt-A-Classroom post)

have a safe trip back and we will sea U soon... =]
Hey Mark,
I think we need to take a little ride sometime this weekend. We got some new great people to meet!

I am sooooooo glad we have this new sub forum!!!!!! I think more great things are going to happen!
OK... let's do it... Thanks for taking on the task of sorting out all the posts... and yes great things have been happening everyday... =]


Hi Nancy... I was going to ask when you would be back... Kathy, Barb and I can stop by to sea you... that's cool about the books, we were just talking about the 9 boxes of books we have up there waiting to come down... they will be added to the library at the school we visited this morning... (see photos in Adopt-A-Classroom post)

have a safe trip back and we will sea U soon... =]
I have a car full this time but I do have a letter from the Mayor - lets see if it works. I have my fingers crossed.
lets do get together in the next few days. I have several hundred new spanish books but they are for pre schoolers. I have to come back to Phx next month for another food purchase. As you know I am taking care of dogs that the city has been bringing me. Its fun to do something different - gives me a little break of sorts.
I am off to my Grandsons football game - his first - he is a Freshman.


The letters only work (I hope) if you hit the border before 5 and take it into the office. I was at the border for several hours but did make it back !!!! ----Long story
I am back with all the supplies - animals are happy for a few weeks !!!!!
I did buy two A/C units for the pre-school and the city is working on the windows for installation and adding some wrought iron grating so they do not get stolen. The city is donating trees. They get calls from folks that want grown trees removed so ----
off to the schools they go. I also have a friend that has a son that works in foreclosure in Phx. Many folks leave behing swingsets and play equipment so he is going to collect them for the schools. As soon as the A/C units are realy to install I will bring out all the supplies. Mark any more items that I get for schools - I will get them to you and Barb. You both are doing such a great job. This little pre-school that I am helping allowed the city to use their facility for a spay/neuter clinic when all the other schools refused to allow animals on their premises. These ae little 3-4 year olds. If I get books for older kids I will get them to Mark and Barb for their 5 schools that they are helping.
Nancy 383 1012
602 412 3932