A little help


We are set to take a family vacation to PP June 6th -13th. This would be our 5th trip there in the last 3 years. I am a little hesitant because of the stability of Mexico (drug violence and Mexico being listed as country on the verge of collapse, some say) and flu issues. I have looked for information, hence finding this board. So… if I can get some feedback from people there, I would be appreciative. 1. Other then the recent killings, how is crime and violence there? 2. Is there anymore issues with the flu then in the US? Would it be wise to skip our trip there and go to San Diego?


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Do not be intimidated or scared of the non-stop crap you've been reading in the media. Go, RELAX, have fun and enjoy! Rocky Point is safe and people are not falling over in the streets dying with the flu. I've been down twice in the past month (with family) and will be down two or three times in June for fishing trips. No worries at all! :)

Personally, I'd be more afraid of going to San Diego!

Somebody had a good point the other day you should consider: Mexico is a country; the US is a country. The US media lumps everything that happens within Mexico into the Mexico "basket", if you will. Using the US as an example, people get shot and killed in Detroit on a near daily basis. Should you postpone your trip to Seattle because you heard people are getting killed in Detroit? No... you wouldn't even think about it that way. Same is true with Mexico. While there are some bad things happening in a few places, Rocky Point is still a very safe place with a relatively low crime rate. The one shooting incident that occurred recently was very targeted and involved the son of a Mexican druglord and his compadres who happened to be visiting in Rocky Point. More people than that get shot here in Phoenix everyday.

And... make sure you have passports. Sounds like they are serious about making them required as of June 1 to cross back into the US.
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apb, put your mind at ease. If you enjoyed your previous visits you will enjoy this one, too. The only difference might be that the town is quieter due to the negative media blitz that has scared people away. You will likely get very good service everywhere you go.

As for the flu, well there have been no confirmed cases in Rocky Point. The doctors have been very busy treating a wide variety of other respiratory ailments though, because residents who would not otherwise have sought treatment rushed in thinking they might have the flu. So in that case, some good came of the scare.

Mexico is not on the verge of collapse, the country is as stable as it's ever been (maybe more so in many ways), Rocky Point is still the pleasant little city it has always been, and the beaches are still there.

I second Stuart about the passport thing (and everything else he said). June 1 is the day you and your family will need passports or passport cards to re-enter the USA. This time they really mean it.

Come on down! The beaches are calling... ;)
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Special groups: Children younger than 16 may use birth certificates as proof of citizenship when entering the U.S. at land and sea ports from contiguous territories. Alternate identification papers also may be valid for student groups, Native Americans and "closed loop" cruise-ship passengers.

El Feo

You don't have any more worries visiting Penasco than anywhere else. I'm a full timer here and day to day everthing is fine. As Stuart said, I feel safer here than in San Diego. Weather is great and the ocean is beautiful. Negative stories about Mexico is just sexy for the news media right now.


Thanks for the replies…we're having the family meeting about it. I think we will keep our plans and go to PP! :boat:
1. If you want to know what's going on (except for the motorhome accident), go to www.rockypointnewsonline.com

2. If you do come to Mexico, please buy your Mexican auto insurance from www.proalliance.com that is the only website that promises you a real live (me) Mexican insurance agent who is always here and will run interference for you if you should have a problem.

3. Forget about being afraid...geez...I just spoke with a friend who is a cop in Scottsdale. He loves it here. Says we're all safer (including him) here than in Scottsdale! My two sisters and three nieces are here this week (two of whom had never been here before) all this week and they're having a great time!
I'm curious, what motorhome accident? No info in your newspaper.
Can you expand on this comment please.



That must be an old site you referenced. Here's a link to the official travel.state.gov website - http://travel.state.gov/passport/get/minors/minors_834.html.

Special Requirements for Children Under Age 16

Before You Start, Please Note:
  • Minors under age 16 must apply in person
  • All children regardless of age, including newborns and infants, must have their own passport
  • There are special requirements for All Minors Ages 16 & 17

Your information is for travel other than the Western Hemishere.

My information is for Western Hemisphere travel from: http://travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html

On June 1, 2009, the U.S. government will implement the full requirements of the land and sea phase of WHTI. The proposed rules require most U.S. citizens entering the United States at sea or land ports of entry to have a passport, passport card, or other travel document approved by the Department of Homeland Security.

  • CHILDREN: U.S. citizen children under the age of 16 will be able to present the original or copy of their birth certificate, or other proof of U.S. citizenship such as a naturalization certificate or citizenship card.

    Groups of U.S. citizen children ages 16 through 18, when traveling with a school or religious group, social organization, or sports team, will be able to enter under adult supervision with originals or copies of their birth certificates or other proof of citizenship. See the Department of Homeland Security's
    GetYouHome.gov for more information on the changing travel requirements.


PitiquitoRosy thanks for the info on insurance, but the link is dead. I'll use the company. Can you post another link?


PitiquitoRosy thanks for the info on insurance, but the link is dead. I'll use the company. Can you post another link?
I was just getting a quote from there :razz:. The link is: http://www.proalliance.com.mx/


It's a personal preference, but $50,000 is probably all you need. Thats what we carry.