A little bit of Penasco history


Very good find dog, but I can't pin down the year. What do you think, early 60's?

I remember how when we stayed in Natcho's huts back in the 50's, you could hear the shrimpers singing and playing their guitars on still hot summers nights as they came through Cholla Bay. The sound would come across the quiet water like magic and it's still one of my fondest memories of the good old day's.
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Thanks Dog. That's a classic film. Wonder how the photographer fared while at sea!! Still building wooden boats, but no vehicles that I saw to help date the thing. General presentation suggests the late 50's or early 60's to me. Look at all the by-catch shoveled into the sea.


Check out the aluminum folding chairs with webbing at 7 minutes in, that along with the clothes.
The shrimpers would many times run their wooden boats up on the shore in front of my old house in Cholla. When the tide went out the boat would roll on its side and the work would begin on re-chinking the joints. We had great fun playing on the boats and jumping into the water from them.