88 Pounder On the Boat - 220 Pounder Off the Boat



Fishing report for the boat "Reel Hard" on 5/2/09

Doug McLaughlin and I launched out of Safe Marina on Saturday morning around 7:30 am with flat seas and no wind. We headed out to the 14 mile reef to catch bait and were able to catch bait pretty quicklyly. After catching bait we headed to our favorite spot and began drifting live bait. With very little wind and small tides the drift was very slow and the first couple of drifts were unproductive. Finally things changed and changed quickly we hooked up and landed an 88 pound gulf grouper, but that is not where the story ends. After taking the photo below I decided that I wanted a picture of the fish, so I grabbed the boga gripps and began lifting the fish. I had the fish about 3/4 of the way up when the grips broke. I struggled to keep my balance for a few second, but lost my balance and fell off the end of the boat into the water. By the way the water temperature is 70 degrees, luckily it was sunny and harm and I dried off as the day went along. In the afternoon the wind picked up and we headed in around 6 pm. We only had one bite all day, but we have a story that will last a lifetime.



Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Nice fish, Doug! Scott - Try staying on the boat next time! Hahahhaha! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Forget the silly Boca grip. Get yourself a *good* hand gaff! I've given one of these to Ric, one to Audi, and a few other folks, and use one myself. You cannot beat the quality of these hand gaffs!


You can find them on Ebay, too, close to the same price. These guys make some serious "get'em in the boat" gaffs and other accessories.

I don't leave port without mine! :D


Gosh, that's one heckuva' fish!
Hope to boat a monster like that someday.
BTW, I stopped by the Playa Friday looking for you or Stu. No doubt I was too early. Saturday evening, got busy and forgot about swinging by. Returning soon?