5:24 Tuesday June 22nd


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Do you need something to do? You aren't forgetting to feed the Spook are you? LOL!


You aren't forgetting to feed the Spook are you? LOL!
It's spring time Chari, the time of renewal and rebirth, and death by Spooky! I was just looking at his food gravity feeder, and thinking it hasn't went down in day's. Like I tell him though, "you live by the sword, you die by the sword". I tell him to be careful when he go's out at night by howling like a Coyote, and he gets it. He's had some very close calls, and he knows their after him.


He's fine, but I hate it when he bring those Mexican Wood Rats into the house, just for sport. Or when I find the tails of Squirrels next to this chair, as if he's saving them for me to put on my antenna or something. In other words, he eats out a lot nowadays
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Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Oh Thank God.....

You know cats. When they bring you bird parts or in my case a half dead or only stunned bird, it's their present for you. They get really hurt if you scold them. Socks, my little Mexicat brought me a whole bird last week that appeared to be dead. He carried it into the house! When I went to get it with the dustpan, it flew up and around the house. Scared the s%$t out of me!!!!! It's really really difficult to get a live bird out of your house! LOL!
I just got a big chuckle picturing that bird popping up all of a sudden and your reaction.................luckily, no one was close to you or they probably would have gotten clobbered by a dustpan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Yea, it went flying! LOL! And then Socks was trying to "help" me catch the bird! If you would have been here, you would have been on the floor, crying!!!!!
That's what I was saying.................I was laughing just picturing it because I know how I would have reacted!!!!! It's one of those things where you go "damn, wish I would've got that on tape"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!