Hey all, just a heads up, I'm putting on a Corvina contest for all you other shore fisherman this year! Two grand prizes of surfcasting outfits. Good luck everyone!!!!
Submit an entry between 4/1/2017 and 11/1/2017 and you’re entered in the raffle! Multiple entries allowed, however, only one raffle entry per person.
- Corvina must be caught on rod and reel from shore or from a shore-launched kayak
- Fish may be caught sober or intoxicated. The fish itself should probably be sober.
- Live bait, dead bait and/or artificial lures are allowed.
- Spearfishing, traps, and netting not allowed.
- Fish can be caught anywhere from El Golfo de Santa Clara (west) to Punta Jaguey (east)
- Minimum entry: Shortfin: 15”, Orangemouth: 20”
- Fish can be released or kept
- Fish will be judged on length as determined by photo, photo must include fish on hard bump-board (no tape measure allowed) along with general description of when (i.e. 5 PM, June 5th) and where fish was caught (i.e. Las Conchas)
To submit your entry
Email it [email protected] or post in this thread with the following:
- A Clear photo of fish on the bump board
- Time and date of the catch
- Category (shortfin or orangemouth)
- General Location of the catch
- Angler contact information (name, email, phone number)
- Bait/lure used (optional)
- Weight of the fish and photo of fish on scale (optional)
- Witness contact information (name, email, phone number; optional in case of tie)
In the case of a dispute or tie, an eye-witness account will be used to verify the winning catch. If both catches can be verified and a tie still remains (equal length), other variables may be used to break the tie including weight (perceived or actual); coin toss; or prize may be converted to gift certificate and split among winners. Non-store bought bump-boards may be subject to verification. Buying me fish tacos and/or Cazadores won’t help you win. Don’t catch Totoaba. Just don’t cheat, chingon!!
Submit an entry between 4/1/2017 and 11/1/2017 and you’re entered in the raffle! Multiple entries allowed, however, only one raffle entry per person.
- Corvina must be caught on rod and reel from shore or from a shore-launched kayak
- Fish may be caught sober or intoxicated. The fish itself should probably be sober.
- Live bait, dead bait and/or artificial lures are allowed.
- Spearfishing, traps, and netting not allowed.
- Fish can be caught anywhere from El Golfo de Santa Clara (west) to Punta Jaguey (east)
- Minimum entry: Shortfin: 15”, Orangemouth: 20”
- Fish can be released or kept
- Fish will be judged on length as determined by photo, photo must include fish on hard bump-board (no tape measure allowed) along with general description of when (i.e. 5 PM, June 5th) and where fish was caught (i.e. Las Conchas)
To submit your entry
Email it [email protected] or post in this thread with the following:
- A Clear photo of fish on the bump board
- Time and date of the catch
- Category (shortfin or orangemouth)
- General Location of the catch
- Angler contact information (name, email, phone number)
- Bait/lure used (optional)
- Weight of the fish and photo of fish on scale (optional)
- Witness contact information (name, email, phone number; optional in case of tie)
In the case of a dispute or tie, an eye-witness account will be used to verify the winning catch. If both catches can be verified and a tie still remains (equal length), other variables may be used to break the tie including weight (perceived or actual); coin toss; or prize may be converted to gift certificate and split among winners. Non-store bought bump-boards may be subject to verification. Buying me fish tacos and/or Cazadores won’t help you win. Don’t catch Totoaba. Just don’t cheat, chingon!!