We would like your help in a new annual food drive. I am really hoping this catches on and grows each year. Drop off at any of the Sonorans Lobbys or the DIF office. I am going to add a few more in town drop off locations and will update when I get them set up. Cash donations also accepted by sending a check made out to Municipio de Puerto Penasco to P.O. Box 858 Lukeville, AZ 85341, Attn: Jim Ringquist. Please note Food Drive in the memo. Thank you in advance.
Story by Joe Houchin: http://www.sonoranresorts.mx/sonoran-resorts-sponsors-1st-annual-holiday-food-drive-in-cooperation-with-city-of-puerto-penasco-and-dif/

Story by Joe Houchin: http://www.sonoranresorts.mx/sonoran-resorts-sponsors-1st-annual-holiday-food-drive-in-cooperation-with-city-of-puerto-penasco-and-dif/