1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]immigration [COLOR=blue !important]law[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.

President Obama told Senate Republicans Tuesday that he's read the controversial Arizona immigration law and is concerned it would allow for discrimination -- but is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to allay security concerns.
An administration official confirmed to Fox News that Obama plans to request $500 million for "enhanced border protection and law enforcement" and deploy the National Guard troops as needed.
The official said the National Guard would be used to "provide intelligence; surveillance and reconnaissance support; intelligence analysis; immediate support to counternarcotics enforcement; and [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]training[/COLOR][/COLOR] capacity until Customs and Border Patrol can recruit and train additional officers and agents to serve on the border."
Just saw that the Dems defeated a motion attempted by McCain to send 6000 troops to the Mexico/US border.....but it did get 54 votes in the senate, but not the 60 needed for "supermajority"!!! Will be interesting to see how long it takes for the 1200 promised by Obama to get here......


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
They'll be out there polishing Hummer wheels. The bling from those big polished wheels will be enough to scare even the most intrepid illegal border crosser back to the other side!
Quixote is driven mad by all the mirros...

They'll be out there polishing Hummer wheels. The bling from those big polished wheels will be enough to scare even the most intrepid illegal border crosser back to the other side!
Wrong type of hummers...military ones don't have polished wheels....no "bling" :rofl:

Does anyone remember seeing the movie version of Man of La Mancha...where Don Quixote is driven mad by all the mirrors????? Maybe that would work instead of the useless fence that we have up!