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  1. brokenwave

    Bella Sirena restaurant

    Does anyone know if Luca's has re-opened the pool restaurant at the Bella Sirena? Thx
  2. brokenwave

    Cell phone service in Mexico

    Here are the details about T-Mobile's Simple Choice plan while traveling in Mexico and abroad. In Mexico they use Telcel and Movistar networks. I have no vested interest in T-Mobile other than being a customer and liking this great program. I really like the free Wi-Fi calls and texting...
  3. brokenwave

    Corruption in the world

    Here is one statistic that is eye opening. And Mexico isn't at the top of the list. Yeah! The darker the color the more corrupt a country is viewed as.
  4. brokenwave

    Unable to post with Windows IE-11

    For the site administrators. I upgraded to Internet Explorer 11 last week and now I can't post any text in this forum? It works with Google chrome, I can post a reply without any text.
  5. brokenwave

    New weather station

    I noticed there is a new Weather Underground station located in Cholla, might be at the OBSC clubhouse. I hope it's on all the time.
  6. brokenwave

    Cruise Port Activity

    Is the Cruise Port construction still progressing? Or has it stopped temporarily because of the excitement last Wednesday?
  7. brokenwave

    FM 106.1

    Wow has the format change on 106.1 or was I not paying attention. Either way I like it.
  8. brokenwave

    How busy is RP this weekend

    We are coming down this afternoon for a week, curious how packed RP is and if anyone came down today how was the wait going into Mexico.
  9. brokenwave

    Any info on the wind and flies.

    Looks like the wind is blowing from the east lately, Does anyone know how bad are the flies and smell coming from the Penasco garbage dump is? I am hoping that the strike has been resolved, because the people who live in RP don't deserve that. I have been there a number of times when the dump...
  10. brokenwave

    Spring Break II - Weekend Observations

    Well this weekend is looking to make up for last weekends big dud for crowds. Starting on Thursday Cholla started to fill up. Driving into town to shop on Thursday we saw more shoppers at Cholla Mall. We went into town for dinner on Thursday night, saw much more traffic compared to Wednesday...
  11. brokenwave

    Pan-Starr comet

    Starting around March 10th there will be a visible comet on the west horizon right after sunset. On March 12th there will be a cresent moon and the comet will be to the left of it, as seen in 1st pic. It will be visable and rising all during the month. The second pic is of the comet as seen...
  12. brokenwave

    Snow possible in Penasco Monday morning

    Going to get pretty cold, WU is saying a chance for snow showers Sun night and Monday AM. If it happens take some pictures. Sad for those who don't have decent housing and heat. The will be lines at the propane stations.
  13. brokenwave

    Wow, Someone lost it.

    Look at all the nasty threads. Looks like somebody forgot their meds. Pretty sad.
  14. brokenwave

    How was the Roger Clyne and Black Carl Concerts?

    Surprised there hasn't been any chatter about the events from this past RC weekend. The only thing I heard was at JJ's,the band Black Carl didn't show up until 10PM, the start time was supposed to be 8PM. Not many people were at JJ's when they finally showed up, a big Dud event for JJ's. Sad...
  15. brokenwave

    Las Palmas Store Remodelling

    Last week I was down and was told that the Las Palmas grocery store on Constitution had closed, Sad. But my friend said there was another near the SS and hospital location on the north side of town. We went there and were greeted by many of the employees of the closed store. I spoke with...
  16. brokenwave

    Are Air Drones being used in Penasco?

    We came down Thursday and were on our way to JJ's at 9:15PM, I noticed a orange glowing object in the sky seeming to cruise along the water front of Cholla, we stopped, got out of the car and watched it. It was moving West-East at about 40-60mph at around 2000-3000 feet. My son thought it was a...
  17. brokenwave

    JJ's Cantina

    Anyone know if anything is changing at JJ's Cantina? I heard it is going to close a couple of days a week and be closed for August this year.
  18. brokenwave

    Border Wait

    How was the wait at the border today for anyone who went back on Today? According to the border patrol site at 6PM there was a 1 hour wait with 3 lanes open. Makes me glad I went back really early.
  19. brokenwave

    HOA Fees at Las Polomas and other Sandy Beach Properties

    A friend of mine is considering buying a 2-3BR condo, (Not an investor) :-P she would like to know what the real monthly HOA fees are. She has been told it is about $220 mo for a 2BR at Las Polomas and less at Sonoran Sun/Sky/Sea. I have heard they are much more in reality. Any info would be...
  20. brokenwave

    Tecate has taken Over.

    After coming to Puerto Penasco for over 20 years, I am dismayed that Tecate beer (Heineken International) has taken control of many cantinas and resturants. I am huge fan of Pacifico Beer. Even JJ's in Cholla sold out to Tecate :x last Spring Break. I had the last 2 Pacificos they had in...