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  1. Roberto

    A shout out From the Haps !!

    Hey Roberto, Tell the pack that I would be ~ ~ ~ HAPPY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to be the new moderator, ~ ~ ~ I will breath some new vibrant LIFE ~ ~ ~ back into it, as it stands now it is ~ ~ ~ STALE AS HELL ! ~ ~ ~...
  2. Roberto

    Road conditions in and to Penasco ???

    Have not been out since before the storm. Anyone been around town anywhere and can report on road conditions? Vehicles going by in Las Conchas show gumbo up to the rims of the wheels but not the hubs.
  3. Roberto

    Hurricane a comin .

    Heavy rain with flooding predicted. Stay out out of the arroys coming into and to Ajo and to CAborca. Who is up for a canoe ride down the Rio Soynoita ???
  4. Roberto

    Weather Link

    Anyone still have that link showing the new storm acommin???
  5. Roberto

    Anyone recommend a cheap hotel near the airport in Phoenix??

    Guess an overnight is in order.
  6. Roberto

    Travel time to Phoenix Air Port

    Flight I want to take leaves at 10 AM. Think I can make it from Penasco to the gate if I cross at 6AM ?? Driving need to park.
  7. Roberto

    Mexico Real Estate Industry in Penasco.

    I'm reposting the information below from another thread here because I think it is very important. There may be some small errors in interpretation but I believe, through personal experience, it is accurate and useful. When people in the business say they have rectified titles to enable the...
  8. Roberto

    "Pier' construction in Las Conchas

    Anyone have any details about he structure on the beach described as a "Pier" in Section 5 , Las Conchas ??
  9. Roberto

    FREE Large Unusual Cactus

    This very large, low growing cactus has been cut into pieces, large mostly. It was large as you can see in the photo, and prolly 15 years old when cut. Each piece will root. It prefers a semi shaded area and does not do well in direct sun all day. Very unusual shapes. I liked it a lot but the...
  10. Roberto

    Gofundme to purchase student books in Spanish ?.

    At Christmas this past year a local friend of mine told me in amazement" Do you know what my teenage daughter wants for Christmas" I guessed some clothes or jewelry. She retorted "NO, she wants a book! Just a book of her own read. " No public library here with books to check out and none at the...
  11. Roberto

    Highways of Sonora and Baja del Norte.

    Just returned from first trip to Mexicali. Was shocked how large it is and how fast they drive on the city streets. Sort of a window of understanding into the way they drive when here. Had to drive slowly and heard the word Verga shouted by a driver roaring by. What's with that??? Had to hire a...
  12. Roberto

    Capones may be closed

    Standing by at this moment are a wrecking crew and a group of police. Dave was out front with some official looking folk. There was a long running law suit over the ownership of the property but last I heard Dave won.
  13. Roberto

    Motorcycle Mob in Penasco.

    Biggest year yet I think. Lots of rolling thunder and drunk people.
  14. Roberto

    Hot water replacement woes,laugh and cry

    After 3 failed repairs of a new Rheems propane boiler I decided to switch to electric. The repairs were attempted locally without testing the warrantee. Have a perfect location, power and water lines available. Install went smoothly with me anticipating a warm shower with the cooler weather...
  15. Roberto

    Lorie Rameriz clients >??????

    Any one know what is going on with paying bills of her clients >?? Recommendations for bill paying>>????
  16. Roberto

    Sea Wall failures

    Big tide yesterday resulted in at least 3 sea walls collapsing in LC. Lots more work for the locals.
  17. Roberto

    Death Watch

    It's been so quiet here I suspect lots of folks have passed on. Please check in if you have died recently so we can keep the membership list up to date. Just a short "I'm Dead" message will do. Gracias.
  18. Roberto

    Medication prices inPenaco

    Needed some medication and stopped by Santiagos on Benito Juarez, picked up 30 tablets for about $4.50. Had some stops on the way home. Hmmm lost the little box, must have fallen out on one of the stops. Rather than run out to Santiagos I stopped at the little farmacia on Fremont across from...
  19. Roberto

    Hooolaaa Anyone there???

    Was there a gas attack in Arizona or is it too hot to type? Or maybe celebrating the magnificent success of your president.
  20. Roberto

    Rental Company new to the market

    KIVOYA KIVOYA.COM Nightly rentals and property management. Manager is sited in Penasco and they want to grow in this market. Contact Armondo at 638/113/0109 Email [email protected]. This is a very experienced company in international resort management expanding into vacation home and...