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  1. La Huerita

    Some news to ponder...

    I came across a couple of interesting articles today that are worth a read, and worth some pondering. Both are Baja-related but of some significance to us in RP, too. The first one concerns the ill-conceived marina (now abandoned) at Santa Rosalillita that was part of the Nautical Ladder. It's a...
  2. La Huerita

    Fiesta de Marina

    Does anyone have information about the upcoming Fiesta de Marina? I'd like to run at least a short bit about it, but can't find much about it. Is that the fishing festival that starts on Navy Day? Replete with mariachis, folk dance and a festival queen?
  3. La Huerita

    New Immigration Forms

    Here are the new Immigration documents for entering and/or living in Mexico, with pictures and an explanation of what each of them is for. Let me know what you think!
  4. La Huerita

    Pulled Over for Peeing in Mexico

    If you want a chuckle this morning, here's a funny article for you. I believe the "event" took place on the way north from San Carlos (because the "week at a marginal timeshare in an "up-and-coming" resort area on the Sea of Cortes" turns out to be the Marinaterra). Read the whole thing at...
  5. La Huerita

    Changes in Immigration Procedure in Mexico

    Besides the new rule about showing passports or other correct ID when entering Mexico as of March 1, there will be changes in FMTs, FM2s and FM3s as well. This is from an immigration lawyer in San Diego. Follow the link to read the rest. (This is copyrighted material and it's against the law...
  6. La Huerita

    Bahia San Jorge estuaries to be protected.

    Well, hopefully at least. A press release from CEDO has announced that the wetlands at Bahía San Jorge were named as one of seven new sites in the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Ramsar Convention in 2010. I think that's good news. You can see the whole press release at...
  7. La Huerita

    Mexico's Murder Rate

    There's an important article about safety in Mexico today in the Washington Post that you all might want to read. I can't post all of it here (it's copyrighted, after all), but under the "fair use" doctrine here is a little bit of it and a link to the rest... It all depends on where in Mexico...
  8. La Huerita

    Some pretty fishies

    For those of you who enjoy looking at very pretty fishies (Seadweller, I thought of you when I saw this), here is a photo diary of some real beauties from the waters around Hawaii. Yeah, a long way from RP, but nice eye candy anyway...
  9. La Huerita

    Grupo Vidanta Launches First International Airport in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico Today

    A press release from the Mayan Palace folks, issued today; the parent company is now called Grupo Vidanta. It's kind of long. You can see the rest of it at if you're interested. But here's the money quote: So I guess...
  10. La Huerita

    Boat attacked by whales

    Seriously, I'm not kidding. Those of you who are into boating will find this especially interesting. It seems that a J/World yacht, the J/120, accidentally sailed into a pod of whales (possibly blues) during the beginning of the Baja Ha-Ha off the Pacific coast of Baja and one or more of the...
  11. La Huerita

    Charities, Volunteering, etc.

    I'm compiling a list of charities, volunteer opportunities, things like that for RP Tides, and I'd like your help in making it as complete as possible. Here are the organizations, I've got, but anything I've missed and/or any information that should be included would be very much appreciated. In...
  12. La Huerita

    Michael Jackson's Ghost

    Not about RP, but this video of Michael Jackson's ghost is pretty incredible and I wanted to share it. Did anyone catch this on Larry King Live? It seems real to me? (turn on your speakers to catch the audio)
  13. La Huerita

    Wireless, On-Road Electric Car Charging Patent Could be a Game Changer

    Check this out! More at Of course this is all way down the road (no pun intended) and would depend on the highways getting the technology installed, etc., but this is what innovation is all about...
  14. La Huerita

    Shameless Self Promotion

    I've created a new Facebook page for RP Tides, mostly because people were having a hard time finding the old one. So on the off chance that any of you all would like to become a "fan" (or even just check it out because you're so very kind), point your browser to...
  15. La Huerita

    Football in Casa Grande? Where've I been?

    Can't believe I just found out about the new United Football League and that it has built facilities in Casa Grande for training, etc. Not that I think the new league has a snowball's chance in hell of making it, but that has to be good news for Casa Grande's economy-- at least for a couple of...
  16. La Huerita

    Chorizo stuffed jalapenos wrapped in bacon

    :chef: Let's lighten things up around here. I've got a recipe for stuffed jalapeno peppers that'll knock your socks off. A picture of the finished product and a bit more info at CHORIZO STUFFED JALAPENOS WRAPPED IN BACON: Ingredients...
  17. La Huerita

    Medicare in Mexico?

    Just published this morning. What do you think about the possibility of this ever becoming a reality? Read the rest of it at So, will the insurance companies, big pharma, etc. in the USA fight this potential threat to their profits...
  18. La Huerita

    Look what Seadweller went and did!

    Have you guys seen what Seadweller pulled off? Well, after months of labor he helped Phoenix radio station 98 KUPD set up a sweepstakes (sponsored by Corona Beer and AM/PM Markets), with the prize being "Win a trip to Rocky Point". Some NICE prizes, a good promotion, and it's set to kick off the...
  19. La Huerita

    Anyone feel the earthquake?

    3 earthquakes hit within a few minutes of each other this morning near Santa Isabel, Baja California, measuring 5.0, 5.8, and 6.9 That's near the Bahia de Los Angeles (BOL) in Baja. Around 11:00 AM. At least one of them was felt in San Diego, Los Angeles and Phoenix-- how about you? Did you feel...
  20. La Huerita

    Make it stop!

    This is what we're faced with, guys and gals. Multiply it by the millions as it applies to Mexico as a whole. I run up against this kind of thing continuously on the City-Data forums and elsewhere, and I'm so tired of repeating over and over that people's fears about travel to Mexico (and Rocky...