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  1. Ed B

    Saw a snake today

    This morning I saw a snake outside my house in Cholla. Only saw the tail end as he was scurrying into a bush to hide. Probably around 3 feet long and maybe an inch in diameter. It was tan and didn't have any rings, stripes, rattles or anything. First time I ever saw a snake in Cholla or Rocky...
  2. Ed B

    Latitude Survey

  3. Ed B

    Wanna see the Tournament winning Grouper?

    Adolfo (About Time) saw three of these last week swimming together. We saw this one by itself about 12 miles out. Got a good view from the fly bridge but no pic from there. Thought it was a sail fish at first but upon further inspection and discussion it was a marlin.
  4. Ed B

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    Fish bladders: Seven people arrested for smuggling fish BLADDERS worth up to $20,000 each that were destined to be made into SOUP | Mail Online
  5. Ed B

    What kind of fish is this?

    Stuart I think that's it. You spent more time on the list at mexfish than I did.
  6. Ed B

    What kind of fish is this?

    That's what we thought too, except the mouth is a little different.
  7. Ed B

    What kind of fish is this?

  8. Ed B

    Semana Santa = CRAZY

    No diapers, this time, but puke. Thinking electric cattle fence around the patio.
  9. Ed B

    Semana Santa = CRAZY

    We and another house that we know of were burglarized in Cholla. Going down tomorrow to check out the real losses. Sounded like people were almost staying on our patio too. We've always avoided coming down that week, but next year now that the house is done we are going to be there just to...
  10. Ed B

    lobos yellow tail

    Leigh, you get out on the boat or off the shore?
  11. Ed B

    Fishing Report - 03/02-03/2013

    So far since the last weekend in January we have seen a set of fin whales and a set of hump backs. The hump backs seem to be a mother (not positive of that status) and a younger or smaller whale. But when we were following the humpbacks around they were the ones blowing the whale farts or...
  12. Ed B

    Fishing Report - 03/02-03/2013

    Whale breath...Stench in whale breath might not come from diet
  13. Ed B

    Fox 10 report on whales and Rocky Point

    Fox 10 asked if they could send it national. Saw that it aired on Fox Philadelphia and others. Also Channel 12 sent it on to USA Today as it is featured on the front page of under featured videos Whale jumps out of water after being struck by boat Pretty amazing publicity for the...
  14. Ed B

    Whale Picture

  15. Ed B

    Whale Picture

    They were Roberto. I had my boat out last week and got some shots myself. This latest round came from my friend Gillie mentioned earlier in the thread who went out on The Gato Loco twice in the last few days.
  16. Ed B

    Whale Picture

    The panga shots
  17. Ed B

    Whale Picture

    Wow you caught us in our big whale conspiracy to fool every one.
  18. Ed B

    Whale Picture

    Go to There are quite a few taken over the last 2 weeks. The most dramatic from 2 days ago when they breached big time. I will try to post some here when I get on my computer (vs iPad ) and I find a little time today
  19. Ed B

    Whale Picture

    That picture was taken by a friend of mine off of a boat, not from the patio of el capitan. It is very real. There is a whole series of shots from that day. The person who is posting this on Facebook and other places is not giving credit where credit is due.
  20. Ed B

    Whales off Sandy Beach

    Good day on the water on Sunday. :razz: