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  1. tyler


    Im not sure what you mean, can you explain further? ;)
  2. tyler

    Did anyone figure out what 'No Hassle Zone' means?

    Such an odd sign. :shock:
  3. tyler

    Ugh, finally made it.

    Hope no one got stuck in the same line as I did! We were one of the first cars that got stopped around 2pm-ish, they closed the road right before Lukeville for 4 hours, waiting on Helicopters, then tow trucks... etc.. Finally got through... but that was a long ass 4 hours in the sun! :mexico:
  4. tyler

    Easiest way to get down there

    I'm leaving tomorrow morning -- I was supposed to be going with some friends of mine, but they might not be able to go so I might be driving alone. The only part that I don't know (that my GPS cant figure out) is how to get on the mexican highway after you pass the border. I've read many...
  5. tyler

    Police lights

    Last time (also the first time!) I was there, I saw cops that just drive down the road with their lights on. :shock: Is that normal? How do you know if they are pulling you over if they always have on their lights? Do you move out of their way?
  6. tyler

    Las Palomas '07

    July '07
  7. tyler

    How to upload pictures

    To upload pictures to your post: If this is a brand new thread, there will be a box that says 'Manage Attachments' Click on it, select the file you want to show and click upload. If you are replying to a thread, you cannot upload pictures from the "Quick Reply" box on the bottom of...
  8. tyler ?

    It seems that RockyPointOnline's forum is no longer around. Hopefully we can migrate everyone over to here for discussion instead.