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  1. fasteddy

    sonoyta safety warning...

    gotta love communicating on the internet!
  2. fasteddy

    sonoyta safety warning...

    I think he was calling Chief Brody a trouble maker... At least that's what i liked, Somebody willing to close the beaches when a shark is in the water
  3. fasteddy

    sonoyta safety warning...

    "Chief Brody from the Jaws movie would not have lasted a day in Puerto Penasco...trouble maker.." We're going to need a bigger Army!
  4. fasteddy

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Dan - I had the exact same experience as you. I'm heading down friday and will pay for my new ACE Policy
  5. fasteddy

    ProAlliance Insurance

    good enough for me!
  6. fasteddy

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Looks Like I will be making the same call tomorrow :(
  7. fasteddy

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Well, all I can say is that this forum may be wacky at times but this is one of those threads that could prove to be invaluable to a lot of people.
  8. fasteddy

    Tropical Storm Norbert

    heading down Friday. I hope it's not too bad humidity wise. BTW how are the streets? Was there much flooding down there? i'm debating on which vehicle I should drive.
  9. fasteddy


    get the steamed clams and bucket of beers! awesome deal
  10. fasteddy

    BoomerFest Update

    I saw the billboard on the 101 around Cave Creek advertising yesterday morning around 7:00
  11. fasteddy

    Puerto Penasco Home Port

    might be one way to solve the rock problem, shipwrecks!
  12. fasteddy

    Nogales wins little league World Series!!!!

    I would love to see it! I would rather watch all those games than any MLB games.
  13. fasteddy

    Nogales wins little league World Series!!!!

    That's Awesome! I had never even heard of a 50/70 league. I'm getting ready to start watching the Little League World Series which to me is some of the best baseball out there. Kids playing the game because they love it with their neighbors as teamates. Should be starting up soon! congrats to...
  14. fasteddy

    Restaurant List/Map

    Lucky's is right next door to Boo Bar on the east side
  15. fasteddy

    BoomerFest Update

    Looking a little like Walter White!
  16. fasteddy

    BoomerFest Update

    I'm thinking the same thing, much like the condos for sale... I want to see it, touch it, and HEAR it before I buy anything.
  17. fasteddy

    BoomerFest Update

    I wouldn't mind seeing Dave Mason
  18. fasteddy

    USA World Cup

    Well thanks soccer, catch you again in 4 years
  19. fasteddy

    USA World Cup

    Yep Lucky's at the Malecon. Get there early and you get a pretty good breakfast for free with the purchase of a drink!
  20. fasteddy

    Wind,Shrimp,cheap beer and waves

    I was out last night in the 98 degrees and when we got out of the pool it felt cold. Don't mind some humidity but I hate when stuff gets wet and just wont dry. we have tile in the condo and it seems to stay wet the whole time were there during the humid months. Guess will have to start in...