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  1. dirtsurfer

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    One more thing: your extremely racist comments about "whites" in the U.S. is offensive and off base. In a few short years whites will make up less than half the population of the U.S. and racist comments like yours will be even more kooky.
  2. dirtsurfer

    Totoaba bladder smuggling....

    Demand, and demand alone drives a trade. Try smuggling dog crap for sale in foreign countries and see how well you do. The fact is that in this case Asian Taste for bizarre animal parts is driving demand. This is a problem worldwide. I don't see a lot of powdered rhino horn or fish bladders...
  3. dirtsurfer

    Mexico land info

    This from a Payable Miramar resident: This week we got our Federal Zone Concession, signed, sealed, delivered, and now filed. The first consideration by our community was during the Kolakowski Board (in 2005 ?), when we found out that the Ejido had already applied for, and been granted, a...
  4. dirtsurfer

    Garmin GPS map of Penasco

    Funny, El Gulfo had an Oxxo years before Penasco.
  5. dirtsurfer

    Mexico land info

    I received this from my Baja friends today: FYI – Mexico land ownership changes. From: Gabriela Ramirez [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 10:06 PM To: [email protected] Subject: pending legislation impacting foreign ownership of Mexican property Hello all, I would...
  6. dirtsurfer

    Are camp fires allowed on Las Conchas beach?

    We are primitive people who build primitive campfires in Miramar all the time.
  7. dirtsurfer

    ROCKY POINT Stinks

    How do I join up?
  8. dirtsurfer


    Do not bring any beer, there are strict limits of what you can bring across the border going in both directions. Plan on buying all of your beer in Penasco. You should educate yourself on what you are allowed to bring down and what is not allowed and expect to be treated according to the law.
  9. dirtsurfer


    Thanks, Jerry. I have been a backpacker and camper for many years so I have a collection of tents. Directing me to a sale at Sierra Trading Post just may push me over the edge towards the purchase of a new one.
  10. dirtsurfer

    Great Read about Aztecs & Mexico

    Same here! The prononciation of the Aztec names was pretty tough.
  11. dirtsurfer

    Great Read about Aztecs & Mexico

    This book is a fantastic history of the Aztecs presented in a fictionalized story. Aztec by Gary Jennings:Aztec: Gary Jennings: 9780765317506: Books
  12. dirtsurfer

    ATV ridding

    I have extensively ridden the dunes in the Pinacate Biosphere before there was a National Park. We used to trailer there from Cholla for a day of incredible crowd free riding. Mexicoruss is correct, head towards El Golfo and make sure you are out of the park zone.
  13. dirtsurfer

    A dumb question about sting-rays and their stings

    My wound became infected and my doc treated it with antibiotics ( of course, at the time I was stung I treated the wound internally and externally with tequila). I really don't want to wear special shoes so will take hammockpilot's idea and get my wife or kids to walk in front of me :)
  14. dirtsurfer

    A dumb question about sting-rays and their stings

    So a ray flips its tail upwards and bends its body to sting so most people get hit on the top of their foot? Does wearing a pair of shoes help to defray a sting?
  15. dirtsurfer

    A dumb question about sting-rays and their stings

    Can someone tell me how a sting ray manages to stab its stinger into the foot of it's unsuspecting victim? I have heard that the ray whips its tail over but smaller rays just don't appear to have the physical size to hit people on the top of the foot, although they obviously do. I was stung out...
  16. dirtsurfer

    Best Sunsets Thread - Let's see your sunsets

    Incredible picture!
  17. dirtsurfer

    Best Sunsets Thread - Let's see your sunsets

    Incredible pic!
  18. dirtsurfer

    Best Sunsets Thread - Let's see your sunsets

    Miramar 4/7/13
  19. dirtsurfer

    Refractory Concrete supplier in Sonora

    Jerry: If your masons just use the bend of the drum for the vault and remove the drum after it all sets up you may end up with a pretty cool oven.
  20. dirtsurfer

    Tennis and Sports

    The Mayan Palace has courts, membership to their athletic club is required.