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  1. dirtsurfer

    A little good economic news for Mexico
  2. dirtsurfer


    I usually bring a few bags of clothes down but once when I tried to cross I had too many bags and the guards took them. We always would bring our old tires , clothes and sporting goods for the kids in quantities but now bring smaller loads.
  3. dirtsurfer

    FYI-Penasco property tax 2015

    I could get behind a similar plan in the U.S.
  4. dirtsurfer

    Monster Energy - #Doonies2

    At one time we would trailer our toys out to the dunes north of PP and ride forever. Some of these dunes were as big as what we rode on at Glamis.
  5. dirtsurfer

    Cholla in the 50s

    One more story about people & Cholla Bay: my place was next door to Nonie McKibbon's who was one of the most adventurous, curious, live life large people I have ever met. Nonie would sail her little 12' sailboat [the Hurache] by her self across to San Felipe when she was 70 yrs old, was one of...
  6. dirtsurfer

    Cholla in the 50s

    K: I paid rent to Nacho and Martha Quiroz for my spot in Cholla for years. I would loved to have seen and experienced Cholla back in those days.
  7. dirtsurfer

    Atv Battery bootcamp

    I was aghast when the new ATV's were produced with no pull or kick start options, hated them. I always thought a great aftermarket product would be a reliable and not too expensive pull start conversion kit. Some of the very nice and new KTM dirt bikes have electric start now but always with a...
  8. dirtsurfer

    Cholla in the 50s

    Thank you so much. I owned the "Boar's Nest" which was on your right, on the water as you entered in to the Cholla community. I purchased the Boars Nest from Spotts Willis, owned it for about 12 years and eventually sold it back to Spotts. I am pretty sure Spots was coming to Cholla on fishing...
  9. dirtsurfer

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    I guess " whatever works for you" is the manifesto. I personally think Physical Therapists are much better than the chiropractors. There is an oil a nutritionist recommended that I think is a coconut oil based product:
  10. dirtsurfer

    IRS Seizing Passports soon

    Also, the IRS is the enforcement agency for obummercare compliance. I know several guys who have opted not to join a plan and pay the penalty but now the penalties are increasing. One thing for sure: having the IRS after you is no fun. I wish the tax code could be much simpler, I have had...
  11. dirtsurfer

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    Thanks, I have so many joint issues that if I do live a long time I will need to be carted around like a blob.
  12. dirtsurfer

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    Very Jealous!
  13. dirtsurfer

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    GV Jack: you have me beat, I have two BP scripts and I am slowly losing the battle. Good luck.
  14. dirtsurfer

    sonoyta safety warning...

    J: I know but I think the added taxes may be the difference and driving the underground.
  15. dirtsurfer

    sonoyta safety warning...

    I read that the underground market for pot is alive and kicking in Colorado even though pot is legal to purchase.
  16. dirtsurfer

    Homeport moving along!

    After experiencing the growth of the Mayan Palace on my beach I no longer am skeptical about projects in Mexico.
  17. dirtsurfer

    sonoyta safety warning...

    Legalize, tax the hell out of it and use the tax revenue for treatment and education, I guess. This makes me wonder where the mass quantities of tax dollars from alcohol and cigarettes raised over the years has gone.
  18. dirtsurfer

    sonoyta safety warning...

    J: you have to know that the AR-15's in my collection have no daily impact on anyone. If I am messed up on drugs or alcohol on a regular basis how can I make rational decisions about the welfare of my kids? I agree with you about alcohol but is the reason because it is so readily available and...
  19. dirtsurfer

    sonoyta safety warning...

    This is patently untrue. Although violence may have decreased in Portugal a very short research detailed how there are more users in Portugal now than before drugs were decriminalized. I am an advotcate of legalizing drugs but have no doubt that use, addiction and the social ills associated...
  20. dirtsurfer

    Roofing marvel

    J: you are correct. I have put up to 3 coats on top of each other. The jury is somewhat out but regular elastomeric seems like chalky, milky watered down paint compared to the silicone product.