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  1. Mexico Joe

    Border Wall

    When we talk about poor education we mean when Steve's parents told him TO JUST SAY NO!!!! It's basically the Catholic equivalent of your dead uncle is watching you when you masterbate so don't masterbate, it's a sin!
  2. Mexico Joe

    Border Wall

    Steve, you're not very smart are you? I'm sure you're a good man but nuance isn't your thing...
  3. Mexico Joe

    Border Wall

    No, I think you misunderstood. We're talking about informal education. AKA culture. Your parents. People around you. The government. Has nothing to do with traditional education. They don't teach about drugs in school for or against. I did have one DARE class back in 1996 in sixth grade but that...
  4. Mexico Joe

    Are you from Tucson and lucky to be stuck here?

    I hadn't put one on until last week mainly because it wasn't required and 36/healthy, no symptoms even though that doesn't mean much. If it had been required I would have complied. It was optional until we doubled the count in 14 days then I decided that it was a MUTUAL RESPECT issue. I will use...
  5. Mexico Joe

    Are you from Tucson and lucky to be stuck here?

    AZ just doubled it's cases in 2 weeks. If that doesn't wake someone up I don't know what does. I wore a mask at the grocery store for the first time in my life last week as a direct result of cases doubling. This is more serious now than it was back in March, April when everything was closed.
  6. Mexico Joe

    Learning Spanish

    Past tense example Talking to your wife at a family get together. Ya comieron tus padres? Did your parents already eat? Subject always goes last in a question. Another one. You're asking your friend that you know what they ate last night. Que comiste anoche por la cena? What did...
  7. Mexico Joe

    Learning Spanish

    Those are two easy ER verbs. There are AR verbs as well. Most verbs follow the same conjugation pattern as other ER/IR or AR ending verbs. There are other ER/IR and AR ending verbs that do NOT follow the standard conjugation pattern. Also known as IRREGULAR verbs. Once you remember the standard...
  8. Mexico Joe

    Learning Spanish

  9. Mexico Joe

    Learning Spanish

    Which verbs do you want to learn first? Do you have any pre knowledge of the alphabet, how to pronounce vowels A E I O U ???? You'll want to learn verbs first as you can practically talk in full sentences with just verbs... EX. I want to go eat. Quiero ir a comer. Quiero is the yo form of the...
  10. Mexico Joe

    Are you from Tucson and lucky to be stuck here?

    Queen's either an opioid abuser who stays up all hours of the night sniffing rails of Fetynal or works the grave yard shift because HIS/HER posts come after 1am only...
  11. Mexico Joe

    Border Wall

    Alcohol is one of the most toxic and unstable molecules this earth has ever seen. The classification of Alcohol and Drugs has done a disservice to the citizens of the US. Alcohol is a drug. Period. The difference should not be distinguished. That was done on purpose. Education leads to...
  12. Mexico Joe

    Border Wall

  13. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    I have a TWIN ($20 BILL) that says that the fogging company and Manny's are financially connected... hard to take this seriously when Encantame Towers is branded all over the sanitary filter...
  14. Mexico Joe

    Shootout in Caborca & Puerto Lobos

    Nice little Gulf there. Jealous!
  15. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    As soon as I saw this I thought, that looks like more than 14 DOTS. Yellow being suspected...
  16. Mexico Joe

    Shootout in Caborca & Puerto Lobos

    You are BALLSY to go to Y Griega right now! That place gives me the creeps and I only had to stop for gas!
  17. Mexico Joe

    Shootout in Caborca & Puerto Lobos

    From what I'm reading this is just getting started after Ivan's capture/ release back in October. Apparently there's now some splintering happening between Federation Sinaloa.
  18. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Just went to the FB page you referenced. Jesus christ. The block is HOT in Lobos!!!
  19. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Taking trucks? Like stealing trucks?
  20. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Real interested now DOG. Can you PM me? I was just trying to convince the GF to take our kayaks down to LOBOS some time late summer, early fall. I'm not connected to any of the facebook news. What's happening down that way?! I saw a few things recently on BDN in Caborca and Y GRIEGA.