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  1. Mexico Joe

    Entry into Sonoyta

    I guarantee your 06 Prius is worth the same amount as my 20 year old Tacoma... So basically what I'm saying is.... I've been getting bent over by SANDBORNS.
  2. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Typical response. Steve, why even be here? Just to troll I imagine...
  3. Mexico Joe

    Beware the Baywatch!

  4. Mexico Joe

    Entry into Sonoyta

    Whether or not insurance is required may be moot because honestly, if someone did ask for the insurance in Mexico what are they going to do with it? Look up the policy number in their ass? I doubt they have a nationalized computer system in the vehicle to check registration and insurance...
  5. Mexico Joe

    Entry into Sonoyta

    Inka! WTF MAN?! I was paying $60 per WEEKEND for a 20 year old truck?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you bullshitting us?! Please tell me you're kidding!!! Is there someone you can link me with? I've been wanting a year policy but WITHOUT breaking the bank.
  6. Mexico Joe

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Just learned the word for ninth. Thank you. My apologies!
  7. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Let's wait for Steve's typical response to this question that I've asked him 7 times now. Steve, will you bet me $100 that Trump loses the election? O wait, typically Steve never responds to that question. That's so typical for Steve!
  8. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

  9. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    You could make significant case for a violation of constitutional rights. Asking for or demanding a "sample" to re-enter the US would be a violation of the 4th amendment.
  10. Mexico Joe

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Noventa is 19... sooooo maybe it's possible it was on 19th street.
  11. Mexico Joe

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    ... siete, ocho, NUEVE, 10... definitely don't think they meant 9. Not even close to the same spelling so don't think it's a misspelling.
  12. Mexico Joe

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Does anyone know where this intersection is? Novena and 11th st? I thought I had an idea but the streets by calle 13 go 10, 12, 13 and so on and I don't see any North, South Avenue named Novena. Curious what part of town this is....
  13. Mexico Joe

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Not always but it's a coin flip. All of us pry have a few instances that come to mind. I know I have a few. I think the tactic you have to use is to be semi forceful in your conviction. I've noticed the more push back the less interested they become. I can't even remember how many times I've...
  14. Mexico Joe

    Sure fire way to avoid an extortion curb fine.

  15. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Only Fox could simultaneously tell you not to do anything to mitigate risk and then take credit for the outcome of preventative measures... Ducey has been on both sides of the fence. Flip a coin there's...
  16. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Steve, is this you?! "He falsely claims the coronavirus is a normal flu and that there is no evidence that masks work."
  17. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Steve, I have a crisp hundo right here buddy.
  18. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Incorrect. The first number is impossible to know. 20% at least asymptomatic. It would be impossible to know how widespread the virus is. I believe the infection rate could be a lot higher. Why some people's immune system is able to "deal" with it is a different argument. For every 100k, 20k...
  19. Mexico Joe

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    This was always going to be the most probable outcome. False sense of security that the sanitation filter was going to keep the virus out.
  20. Mexico Joe

    Short cut in Sonoita

    Up, down, left, right. My life's a roller coaster but I'm still here. Yea, I'll pry never be able to kick the "being myself" thing. I'm in too deep at this point. Yea that avatar is pretty hot right? How's the wife? Tell her I said hi. I'd say maybe see you again one of these times at Tekila Bar...