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  1. Mexico Joe

    Corvina Slam! Hector from Cottonwood a shore fisherman pro...

    Damn those are some big boys... A few have the convex tail though... we might need an official ruling from one of the BIG JOHNSONS...
  2. Mexico Joe

    Fishing in Las Conchas during mother's day

    How sure are you on the Sargo? Not that I can't look on Mexfish but... 2 weekends ago my girlfriend caught one that was about 1.5, 2 lbs on the YET SKY. Turns out, it was the last fish ever caught on the Cholla Bay Sleigh Ride. Sad to report that she's been passed on to another owner. Better...
  3. Mexico Joe

    Trip Report 4/24-26 w/Obligatory Pics

    I need some tips and information regarding my new center console. I'm going to create a thread in the fishing section.
  4. Mexico Joe

    Trip Report 4/24-26 w/Obligatory Pics

    84 was a good year! That's when ol Joey boy came into this world.
  5. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Damn, so Tuesday is the new Monday?! That's crazy. That many people decided to stay and return Tuesday and still had to wait?! On Sunday I also saw a lot of Cali and Texas plates as well. I left Phoenix Sunday morning at 6am, RP by 940... On the way down I was trying to judge the amount of...
  6. Mexico Joe

    Trip Report 4/24-26 w/Obligatory Pics

    Thank you sir. I'm certainly no JJ but I try to provide detail.
  7. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Also, it would be nice to let the dog run around in the sand and water without some fake beach police telling me that the dog needs to be on a leash to swim in the ocean... German Shorthairs and leashes aren't compatible...
  8. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    You down this weekend? I wanted to see if you'd guide me over there in LC honey hole... I think Saturday looks too windy to get the YET SKY out so we're looking to take the 4wd BEEF eater over the dunes to Marua to shore fish. I might ask Fishing Penasco as well... he's down every weekend. Those...
  9. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    I did finally see something "official" posted on FB Cholla Bay page about not paying MORDIDA and not to speed to help cut down on the extreme police "activity" for fear of using a more descriptive word. So obviously it's gotten to a point now where it's happening to a lot of people.
  10. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    I still have yet to see Queen write something about Rocky Point. Then again, that's not the point of trolling...
  11. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Not really... seems par for the course. Have you ever been on FB?! Jesus christ! Talk about a shit show... This is Sesame Street compared to the sheer ignorance and hatred on FB.
  12. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    So you're faster than a paraplegic in a 100 yard dash? You set the bar so low for yourself... seems like a self esteem issue to me.
  13. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    Aren't you the morons rallying against CANCEL CULTURE while simultaneously CANCELLING one of your own for not going along with an irrational and ridiculous LIE???? Tell me more about how smart you are. There are credible reports that Trump couldn't even point out countries of the world on a...
  14. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    When you first slithered into this forum your spelling was atrocious and you couldn't produce more than a half of sentence of thought. I thought to myself this person is such a THOT. But, to your credit it has to be hard to type with RAT CLAWS...
  15. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    I will go one on one with you in Trivia and DESTROY you. I know this because you don't read and facts don't matter so how could you answer trivia questions when reality isn't reality?! It's like you're from another dimension in a parallel universe... Put your money where you mouth is... I...
  16. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    As sad as Donald Trump? He's such a pussy!!!! Sad old angry white man.... SAD (Donald Trump Voice)
  17. Mexico Joe

    Fishing in Las Conchas during mother's day

    When you hooked up with that Corvina, at that point I would have put on a spoon, Kast master, jig head with swim shad, just something to cast and retrieve because when there's one Corvina there's many. You're kind of lowering your chances with the Pompano rig. That's a great rig to find out...
  18. Mexico Joe

    Fishing in Las Conchas during mother's day

    #4 Is a Cortez Grunt I'm pretty sure... #5 Is a California Corbina and down by Jerry in Santo Tomas the Mexicans were calling them something dulce or dulce something... LOL If you look at #5 you can almost see the Redfish in it... It's another croaker. #4 I'm 80% sure #5 - 100% I see those...
  19. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    I'm kind of upset at myself for not knowing these figures sooner. Why in the hell would I sit there and argue with a guy for $19?! For 100 you have to stab me but 19?! Damn... I played myself! Kind of makes sense now why they prey on you HARD late at night on Saturdays... Court is pry closed...
  20. Mexico Joe

    The Police in Sonoita are out of control!

    So not stopping at a stop sign is $19 US and the cops try and get $100 or more on the spot?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK????! Speeding is twice as much as a DUI. Why wouldn't it be?!